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From today to a greener future

Navigating the sustainable mobility transition


Deloitte, in collaboration with FEBIAC, spearheaded The Automotive & Mobility Transition Pathway Event in Brussels, June 2023, a pivotal platform uniting industry leaders and experts to shape a sustainable, zero-emission future for Europe's automotive and mobility sector.

The automotive and mobility sector is at the core of the EU strategy for a zero-emission Europe by 2050. Deloitte was excited and proud to co-host, with FEBIAC, The Automotive & Mobility Transition Pathway Event in Brussels in June 2023.

The Federation Belge et Luxembourgeoise de l’automobile et du cycle (FEBIAC) represents at national, European, and global levels the interests of Belgium-based manufacturers, importers, and suppliers in all areas of road transport. A business leader in sustainability and future of mobility, Deloitte is helping businesses navigate the energy transition.

This event brought together industry representatives, mobility experts, and Belgium’s minister for mobility to strategise and debate this critical topic. Business leaders from across road, rail, air, and water transport sectors provided their perspectives and contributed to a very successful forum.

“We are at a pivot point where the entire mobility ecosystem is striving to keep Belgium moving in a more sustainable way. I was delighted that Deloitte was able to host this important event.”

Aled Walker, Partner, Automotive & Mobility Leader at Deloitte

A business leader in sustainability and future of mobility, Deloitte is helping businesses navigate the energy transition.


The nonprofit organization FEBIAC is the federation of the Automobile and Cycle Industry in Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. With over a hundred years of experience, it represents manufacturers and importers of road transport vehicles (cars, utility vehicles, motorized two-wheelers, bicycles) in Belgium and Luxembourg, at both the European and international, as well as federal and regional levels.

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