On 2 February 2023, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (inclusive framework) released a package of technical and administrative guidance (“administrative guidance”) related to the 15% global minimum tax on multinational corporations known as Pillar Two (or the global anti-base erosion (“GloBE”) rules). The guidance was agreed by consensus of all 142 countries and jurisdictions in the OECD/G20 inclusive framework and forms part of the “common approach.” Under the common approach, countries are not required to adopt the GloBE rules but, if they choose to do so, they agree to implement and administer the rules in a way that is consistent with the outcomes provided for under the Pillar Two model rules and any subsequent guidance agreed by the inclusive framework.
The publication of the administrative guidance follows the release of the Pillar Two model rules in December 2021 and commentary in March 2022, as well as rules for safe harbors and penalty relief released in December 2022. The newly released administrative guidance will be incorporated into a revised version of the commentary that is expected to be released later in 2023.
Pillar Two consists of two interlocking domestic rules that together make up the GloBE regime: (a) an income inclusion rule (IIR), which imposes a top-up tax on a parent entity in respect of the low-taxed income of a member of its multinational entity (MNE) group (a constituent entity); and (b) an undertaxed profits rule (UTPR), which denies deductions or requires an equivalent adjustment to the extent the low-tax income of a constituent entity is not subject to tax under an IIR. Countries also have the option to adopt a “qualified domestic minimum top-up tax” (QDMTT) as defined in the model rules and further clarified in this administrative guidance.
The administrative guidance covers over two dozen topics, addressing those issues that members of the inclusive framework identified as most pressing. The guidance includes topics relating to the scope of companies that will be subject to the GloBE rules, the method for allocating global intangible lowtaxed income (GILTI) among the subsidiaries of a US MNE for purposes of determining their effective rates under the GloBE rules, transition rules that will apply in the years before the global minimum tax applies, and guidance on QDMTTs that countries may choose to adopt.
The administrative guidance consists of five chapters: