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For private companies

We bring new thinking to today’s commercial and financial challenges, underpinned by broad and deep knowledge and experience. Our innovation offering includes digital transformation, strategy development and optimising approaches to tax and legal planning.

Strategy & Planning

Deloitte Private helps companies to set and implement innovation strategy as well as to facilitate the introduction and operationalization of new products, services, and/or new enabling technologies in order to tackle the business challenges of the future.

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Digital, Analytics & Commercial

Dheloitte Private supports companies in the definition and implementation of the digital transformation roadmap. We also help to create a better understanding of current business and market data in order to support company decision making.

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IP Structuring, R&D Tax incentives & Governance

Deloitte Private combines financial exploitation, legal protection and tax strategies (international and local) to enhance return of intellectual property and create an immediate cash benefit.

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Discover our R&D and government incentives business offering
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