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Sustainability Transformation

Turning aspirations into actions by bridging goal setting, data mastery, reporting, and strategic action planning

Our team assists CFOs and their teams in progressing from goal setting and data analysis to reporting and action planning. This empowers businesses with essential data for driving sustainable practices and achieving lasting success. Deloitte’s Sustainable Performance Management Accelerators in Anaplan and/or SAP offer a comprehensive suite of solutions to help organizations measure, monitor, and manage their environmental, social, and economic performance.

Our Approach

The importance of sustainable performance management and reporting

With our approach you will be able to achieve a strong Sustainability Performance Management through four pillars.

The Governance

The approach focuses on integrating sustainability goals with strategic objectives. This involves establishing effective governance to ensure all departments are informed about sustainability targets. Responsibilities for meeting these goals are distributed across functions, with Finance overseeing measurement, monitoring, planning, and reporting of sustainability performance.

The Process

Sustainability will be integrated into your strategy through the implementation of a Sustainability Performance program. This will enable you to establish targets, align them with bottom-up plans, oversee their implementation, and report on the attained performance based on your selected framework.

The Model

Within our comprehensive range of services, Deloitte also creates models to measure, monitor, plan, and report accomplished performance. Embracing a comprehensive perspective, we combine financial and non-financial perspectives and reporting. This integrated planning approach enables you to seamlessly harmonize your sustainability models with other organizational solutions through automation.

The Technology

Selecting the appropriate technology holds vital importance in integrating Sustainability Performance Management across your entire organization. We assist you in adopting a technological solution that empowers every stakeholder to participate in the process, enabling the integration of your model with your existing Enterprise Source Planning (ERP) system housing pertinent data.

Explore how we make an impact

We not only help translate legal reporting requirements and break down reporting frameworks into relevant targets and metrics that can be adequately managed and reported on, we help operationalise and truly implement sustainability within the company’s organisation, business, finance, and data processes. We also help select and implement the technologies that support companies in taking the reins and realising their goals and objectives.

Our Offers

Our accelerators are flexible and user-friendly. Moreover, you can input your data manually, or import data from other external data sources. The accelerators are the following:

Sustainable Manufacturing

An Anaplan app that empowers organizations across all sectors by collecting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), enabling the measurement, monitoring, planning, and reporting of these KPIs. It offers comprehensive dashboard and management reporting functionalities.

Business Services Sustainability

PlanningAn Anaplan app that provides your company with essential data for addressing Business Operations decarbonization. It facilitates planning and reporting of customizable KPIs, tailored to your organization's requirements and adaptable to diverse industries and stakeholders, encompassing various Environment Social and Governance dimensions.

EU Taxonomy

A Anaplan app that gathers all the information needed for companies to evaluate the compatibility of their economic activities with the EU Taxonomy. The app incorporates the EU Taxonomy's regulatory final template.

GI³ Government Incentives planning

An Anaplan app that eases the process of obtaining information regarding the eligibility of sustainable and innovative projects for fundings & tax incentives.

 Sustainable Finance

An Anaplan app fully dedicated to the organizations from the financial services sector enabling the identification and monitoring of transition impacts, tracking of KPIs (green asset ratio), dashboarding and management reporting capabilities.

Green Balance Sheet

An Anaplan app that allows business units and management to communicate and align their targets & objectives. In addition, ensures business model and strategy resilience on climate related risks.

SAP Sustainability Control Tower

The sustainability accelerator built with the SAP Sustainability Control Tower technology by Deloitte has the functionalities to support you during the planning, forecasting, budgeting, reporting process and finally assisting your company in the decision-making process.

The benefits of managing sustainability performance

Organizations are experiencing increasing consumer, investor, and regulatory pressures relating to their sustainability performance. Sustainability has truly become a license to operate.

Anaplan E-book

Connect single version of the truth for plans across functions and to which the company is executing.