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The Intelligent Enterprise: Higher Education & Research Industry

Helping to establish superior student and faculty engagement through integrated solutions delivered across an intelligent enterprise

While the world is facing one of its biggest health challenges ever, it still continues to evolve in other areas. The higher education & research industry has already been impacted tremendously by the recent events but are you ready to face the other challenges to come?

Current situation and challenges

‘The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth’

~ Desiderius Erasmus

The world has changed massively since Erasmus first spoke these famous words. Nonetheless the message still applies, maybe now more than ever. We are living in an unprecedented time given the current health challenges while at the same moment technology has been and still is evolving with an increasing pace.

Educational institutions and students have already shown a tremendous amount of flexibility to ensure a knowledgeable future generation so far but what comes next? How will the industry for higher education & research evolve? How is your institution preparing itself to deal with the fact that the world and the younger generations are “always-on”? How are you going to make sure that you can connect with potential students, guiding them throughout their student learning journey and beyond?


Nobody can predict the future but we can definitely recognize some trends. Finding an answer to the questions above taking in account these trends will define who will come out as the winners. Based on our research, 4 priorities to success can be identified:

The student journey has changed over the years. It’s no longer enough to have some key interactions like a meet and greet, subscription to courses and lecture attendance. In the new world, nurturing the relationship with the student requires continuous effort across different channels. Only by truly engaging with your students, you can become a valuable partner to guide them throughout their learning journey.

A large number of educational institutions have invested in best of bread solutions to meet urgent priorities. Unfortunately, the result is often an incoherent patchwork of platforms and solutions not fit to support the challenges laying ahead. The journey to become an intelligent university will be challenging but also rewarding as it will create an environment to enforce synergies between the university administration and the campus stakeholders.

One of the many responsibilities of a university is to foster research possibilities. Keeping budget constraints in mind, it’s crucial to seek efficiency gains across the different departments allowing them to maximize their focus on research activities. Centralization, standardization and automation will be key steps in this journey.

Engaging with students and faculties starts with knowing what they need, how they try to obtain it and how they experienced this process. Only with proper real-time data and analytical capabilities, the university will be able to not only provide a better experience but also to focus on future activities which will add value to the journey of the student.

If you would like to know more about the future of the higher education & research industry and how you can prepare for it, we invite you to have a look at the white paper. We will discuss the trends and priorities in detail and indicate how SAP Intelligent Enterprise can help you to come out a as winner.  

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