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The Future of Work is Now: Is APAC Ready?

Smoothing the transition to an automated future

Deloitte was commissioned by Autodesk Foundation to help identify the labour markets most vulnerable to technological disruption in APAC. In addition to identifying those most at risk, this report proposes interventions that can be adopted to help smooth the transition to a more adaptable and resilient workforce to thrive in the future of work.

Digital change and automation are driving enormous productivity gains in the world of work – gains which are helping to improve standards of living across the globe. This represents a significant opportunity for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, which is home to 60% of the global workforce.

But there can also be significant adjustment costs associated with automation, and often those costs are felt by workers who are least able to successfully transition to new roles.

Deloitte was commissioned by Autodesk Foundation to help identify the labour markets most vulnerable to technological disruption in APAC. This report constructs a new measure which goes beyond the likelihood of automation to provide a quantitative estimate of which industries will be affected most.

While change is inevitable, the impact of change is not. In identifying those most at risk, this report proposes interventions which can be scaled and adapted to different circumstances across the region. Local context, industry characteristics and workforce features will be key for understanding what works and what doesn’t.

Being proactive and preparing for change can mean that individuals, businesses and nations can share in the benefits of automation.

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