Deloitte Australia’s Social Impact Consulting Practice is a dedicated practice that supports social sector organisations and government agencies to deliver greater social impact aligned to their vision and mission.
Our team is passionate about bringing the latest trends in strategy, technology and innovation from adjacent industries and global players to support social sector organisations and government agencies to be ‘future fit’ in an increasingly complex, disrupted and competitive market.
We have worked with organisations from across the social sector, and of varying size and geographic dispersion - including, disability, homelessness, family and children, aged care, indigenous and community services providers. Combining our knowledge of the social sector, with our breadth of expertise in strategy, transformation, business model innovation, operating model design, operational excellence, organisational capacity building, technology, human capital and impact measurement, we partner with organisations on their transformation journeys - from strategy design through to implementation.
Recognising that complex social issues cannot be addressed by any sector in isolation, Deloitte’s Social Impact Consulting practice focuses on strengthening the linkages between the NGO, government and business sectors to deliver greater social impact and system change.
We work collaboratively with government, business and the social sector to improve outcomes for Australia’s most vulnerable communities. With expertise across community services, disability, aged care and international aid, we are passionate about creating a more inclusive society.
Strengthening quality and safety in the disability sector
When it comes to quality, all organisations are now under the spotlight, being judged by the 1% of what goes wrong, not the 99% of what goes right. Organisations need to invest in ways to uncover the 1% – by looking and listening carefully and proactively responding – in order to quickly and effectively take control. Following the revelations of poor quality care and abuse during the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the spotlight now turns to the disability sector with a focus on Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability.
Deloitte’s Social Impact Consulting practice has a tried and tested approach to enhance the governance and operational capabilities of disability service providers in relation to the quality and safety of services for NDIS participants and other clients. Our approach includes an initial diagnostic assessment followed by a transformation stage, which engages our specialists to support you to address risks and deliver improvement initiatives. To read more about how we can help your organisation – refer here.
In 2019, Deloitte’s Social Impact Consulting team worked with Westhaven, a NSW-based disability service provider, to transform its organisation to be ‘future fit’ and prepared for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).