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Banking Solutions

Our Banking Solutions team applies actuarial expertise to advise retail and institutional banks with quantitative risk analytics across   credit risk, market risk, liquidity, and treasury support, as well as product design, pricing and return analysis. We focus on providing insights into retail banking products such as mortgages, personal loans, asset finance products and credit cards.

Our focus areas include:

  • Market risk & derivatives – This includes Fundamental Review of Trading Book (FRTB) regulatory response design and review support. We can assist both at the quantitative technical assessment stage all the way through to implementation of revised underlying systems required to manage such exposures and reporting.
  • Credit risk – We assist lenders with probability of default (PD) and loss given default (LGD) model development and testing to support retail banks and non-bank lenders. This extends across housing and personal retail banking products (both secured and unsecured exposures). We also provide macro-economic overlay to drivers of underlying credit risk such as GDP, inflation and unemployment.
  • Capital markets – Actuarial expertise applied to algorithmic trading within capital markets, reviewing and validating governance and controls of internal models. 
  • Retail & distribution – We assist retail banks and non-banks with product strategy including new product design, pricing, risk quantification, operational risk assessment and customer behavioural analytics. We have particular expertise in non-traditional products such as shared equity and equity release, including building financial models for investment cases to attract institutional or private wealth. We have significant distribution experience having advised most major mortgage broker groups with portfolio valuations and customer analytics.