AI. It’s the next ‘general purpose’ technology. Like when the internet impacted our society in the 1990s, AI is expected to do the same this decade.
AI is already pervasive in our everyday lives. We use voice assistants to organise ourselves, facial recognition to unlock our phones and I’m sure we’ve all had some targeted marketing sent our way – based on what we like (and don’t like)...
But what about in industry? What can AI do in Australia to improve the way we do business? Well, quite a lot! But a lot of people aren’t aware of its potential, or how it can be harnessed to help fuel their business success.
We’ve put together a series of infographics that showcase how AI can be used to actively solve different problems. These are in no means designed to be an exhaustive list of what’s possible. Simply to act as a starting point for inspiration, allowing you to see the art of the possible and begin your own AI-fuelled journeys. We’ve also designed them to be ‘snackable’. You know, easy to digest. Not paragraphs upon paragraphs of text. Instead, we’ve broken our information down into key themes, allowing you to pick and choose what interests or applies to you most.
So, be sure to check them out below and reach out and Say Hi to AI!