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Workforce Planning: Aligning the workforce with the future direction of your organisation

Past Event

Virtual - Event

Other credits | Event language: English



Workforce Planning: Aligning the workforce with the future direction of your organisation

Replay our executive webinar

Business agility is ever important in the rapidly changing world. We have learnt over the past 18 months that disruption can come from anywhere, at any time. Whether it’s because of a global health crisis, geopolitical change or increased market competition – to think fast and move first, is more important than ever for organisations to remain successful.

In this executive webinar, we take a deep-dive into the trends shaping the future of the workforce, and uncover how you can move your organisation from workforce management to strategic workforce planning. We hear first-hand from senior-leaders who have implemented adaptive planning models, enabling an active planning process incorporating everyone within the organisation.

Workforce Planning: Virtual Executive Webinar