Australia provides a unique environment for manufacturing businesses to thrive both currently and in the future. The four main reasons manufacturing can succeed in Australia are:
Highly Educated Workforce: Australia has one of the most advanced workforces, with 44% of the workforce holding a tertiary qualification. This shows that Australia is ready to take on advanced roles in manufacturing, such as R&D and utilising industry 4.0 technologies to improve efficiency and quality in manufacturing.
Base Resources: Australia has a diverse array of resources supporting all six of the strategic priority sectors, from a strong agriculture sector to rare earth metals to oil and gas. We currently export these as base resources, rather then add value to these goods locally.
Market Proximity: With Asia showing extreme levels of growth, Australia’s historical disadvantage which is its location is now shifting to become an advantage as the buying power of Asia dramatically increases alongside the demand for high quality goods which Australia already produces due to its strong policy environment.
Public and Private sector support: The Australian government has directly promised $1.3 billion dollars towards grants linking innovation to industry and global markets1. This does not consider other initiatives the government has put forward such as the $150 billion+ naval shipbuilding college3 and the NSW government developing the new city of Bradfield, which predominantly focuses on the six key areas of the national manufacturing plan4, alongside developing a national manufacturing hub, linking R&D to industry.
Australia provides a unique environment for manufacturing businesses to thrive both currently and in the future. The four main reasons manufacturing can succeed in Australia are: