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May 2023 Client financial reporting update

Disclosure to dialogue

Our May 2023 Client financial reporting update was a presentation by leading specialists in financial reporting from our Accounting Technical team on how to transition from technical disclosures, to a dialogue describing the entity’s own unique journey.

With separate events tailored to for profit entities or not for profit entities, we will leave you armed with information to tackle some of the most topical questions for this financial reporting season, including:

  • When is ESG-related reporting coming, and how should you prepare to present mandatory disclosures?
  • How do you create effective linkage between financial and non-financial information?
  • What are the key issues for regulators and users of reporting in 2023 and beyond?
  • What are the technical amendments impacting the financial statements this year?

We will provide practical insights and ideas for you to make an impact that matters as an accountant of the future. 

Monthly Clarity in financial reporting newsletter


For-profit session

Download the presentation


Not-for-profit session

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