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Women @ Work: A global outlook, an Australian cut

As post-pandemic pressures ease, our survey of 500 Australian women has revealed the key issues women face in the workplace.

A wake-up call for gender laggards - women aren’t settling for less in the workplace.

Since 2021, Women @ Work: A global outlook has provided insight into the views of women when it comes to their experiences in the workplace. The report also examines how women in Australia stand out from their global counterparts on key themes.

This year’s report shows some positive signs with rates of burnout falling among female employees while rates of mental wellbeing and work/life balance are rising. But there is still a lot of work to be done with Australian women feeling the pressure of gender inequity and stigma in the workplace around paid parental leave, mental health, menstruation and menopause.

The report also shows that employers who lag on gender equity run the risk of losing female employees who are no longer prepared to work for companies who don’t adapt and refresh policies, practices, and ways of working.

Explore more insights by visiting the global report.

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