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Imagine a world without barriers.

True accessibility has the power to unlock the potential of every individual.

This is not about ticking a box – we believe better accessibility benefits everyone, and we’re committed to addressing the systems that hinder equity and putting accessible practices first.

At Deloitte, we are committed to ensuring that the future is fully inclusive of all people in our society. We are working to break down barriers, challenge misconceptions, and change attitudes towards people with disabilities. To this end, we are working to create an environment at Deloitte where everyone can succeed to their full potential and be their authentic selves.

Dani Fraillon, Accessibility Pillar Lead, Australia

Taking action

Designing Deloitte for Everyone 

Our Australian Access and Inclusion Plan details our commitments over the next three years to make Deloitte a workplace that’s free from barriers. This includes a target to double the percentage of people living with disabilities at Deloitte by 2026.

Learn more about our Australian Access and Inclusion Plan.

Our commitment to Accessibility and Inclusion - Asia Pacific Plan 2024-2027

Our Asia Pacific Plan will focus on providing guidance for an inclusive environment in which all our people will thrive, including people with a disability and people who are neurodivergent. The Plan will be guided by a commitment to the International Labour Organisation Global Business and Disability Network Charter, including tangible actions to deliver against the charter’s 10 principles for disability inclusion.

Read more about our Asia Pacific Accessibility and Inclusion Plan.

Unmasking neurodiversity 

We recognise that those who are neurodiverse have unique strengths and challenges and are committed to fostering a culture of inclusion and respect. ‘Neurodiversity’ refers to neurological differences such as dyslexia, autism, ADHD and dyspraxia that result from natural variations in human brain function. 

We support our neurodivergent community with initiatives such as our neurodivergent network and mentoring program, which provide opportunities to connect, learn, and share experiences and perspectives with one another.


Australian Disability Network

Since 2017, Deloitte Australia has been a member of the Australian Disability Network (ADN). ADN provides employers with expert advice and services on disability to advance the equitable inclusion of people with disabilities.

We are proud to be an inaugural partner of the Australian Disability Network Alumni Connect program. Alumni Connect is Australia’s first alumni network for talented graduates with disabilities, providing future leaders with job opportunities, professional development and networking opportunities. 

Hear from our people

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