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Climate change is not a choice. It's billions of them.

Deloitte Australia believes climate change is one of the biggest shared challenges facing humanity. We believe in the science of climate change and the economic and commercial risks inaction poses to our society, economy, communities, and businesses.

As business leaders, policy influencers and individual citizens, we recognise the need for comprehensive action. Doing nothing is not an option, and it is not without cost. There will be tangible long-term benefits by acting now.

Our commitment to change

Taking tangible climate action is an absolute priority for us. We’re acting on this through reducing our carbon footprint, supporting our clients and using our voice.

Deloitte’s near-term (2030) greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as 1.5°C-aligned, science-based targets. Deloitte has also committed to set long-term emissions reduction targets using the SBTi’s Net Zero Standard. 


Our near-term goals are to: 

  • Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 70% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from business travel 50% per FTE by 2030 from a 2019 base year. 
  • Engage with our major suppliers with the goal of having 67% (by emissions) set science-based targets by 2025.
  • Invest in meaningful market solutions for emissions we cannot eliminate. 

Our additional 2030 goals to reduce emissions include: 

  • Sourcing 100% renewable energy for our buildings
  • Converting 100% of our fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles 

Deloitte’s near-term goals (2030) were validated in advance of the issuance of the SBTi Net-Zero Standard. Deloitte’s next step will be to set long-term emissions reduction targets following the SBTi standard to continue playing our part in achieving a net-zero world.

As a professional services firm, we work with our clients through the process to achieve sustainable operations and responsible climate choices.

In working with organisations, we take the following positions:

  • We will actively work with new and emerging low emissions intensive industries and businesses to help them establish themselves in crafting a new system of production in Australia
  • We will actively advise and work with high emissions intensive businesses to effectively manage their way through this major transition
  • We will work with regulators and governments to ensure that best practice regulation and policy is in place to support Australia’s economic growth, jobs, and as a leader in decoupling the economy from emissions
  • We will actively work with all sectors to help them understand the physical impacts of climate change and develop adaptation and response pathways, and
  • We will actively work with other businesses, communities, and governments to ensure that our economy makes a responsible and equitable transition to a new future.

We will participate in the discussions on government policies and actions on climate change that are in the best interests of a sustainable and prosperous future. Policies aimed at strengthening economic growth can support low-emission pathways; and actions to stimulate investment in low-emission investments can strengthen economic growth and job creation.

As a global firm, we will draw on our vast experience with business, communities, governments and regulators, alongside our research and analytical expertise to contribute a balanced debate on climate change.

This report reveals CxOs view climate change as a top priority for their organisations even amid global uncertainty.

Our solutions

Whether you’re trying to measure impact, build resilience, operationalise your climate strategy, report on your climate-related risks and opportunities or upskill your workforce, we have the innovative approaches, digital solutions and deep-sector experience.

Explore and understand what the immediate and longer-term climate-related risks and opportunities are for your organisation, from the more acute physical risks to stakeholder pressures, policy, emerging technologies and business models and financial systems.

Our solutions:

Generate a science-based and actionable pathway to carbon neutrality, modelling the financial impacts of closing your abatement gap, and carefully planning your energy transition to deliver on your decarbonisation strategy and create a competitive advantage.

Our solutions:

Get ahead of the operational and technological transformation needed to thrive in a low-emissions economy. From changes to products and services, supply chains and workforce to total market dislocation, evolve your business strategy toward the low carbon economy.

Our solutions: