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Impact of COVID-19 on the EdTech sector

EdTech Market Census update

Deloitte and EduGrowth have engaged with EdTech organisations to understand how the sector has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings have been published in a new report, the EdTech Market Census COVID-19 update. 

Despite the challenges it has raised, COVID-19 has driven demand for EdTech solutions, and further underlined the promise and potential of education innovations that EdTech organisations can enable. This is most apparent in digital and blended learning, with the pandemic accelerating the need for technologies that enable personalised learning outside the classroom or lecture theatre.

Download the report to explore the findings, case studies from EdTech providers, and to learn about the cutting edge technologies being adopted by the EdTech sector.

About the EdTech Market Census

Reflecting the Australian EdTech market as a vibrant and thriving community of start-ups, EduGrowth launched the Australian EdTech Market Census in 2017. The aim of the census is to understand the Australian EdTech ecosystem; the nature, challenges, triumphs, and forward plans of the sector. The most recent edition of the EdTech Market Census was issued last year, reflecting sector trends in 2019.
Previous editions

Previous editions

The Australian EdTech Market Census 2019

The Australian EdTech Market Census 2017

Published: July 2021

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