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AFR Energy & Climate Summit
Monday, 21 October 2024 8:00 AM AEST

Hybrid - Conference

Event language: English

21 - 22 Oct. 2024

08:00 a.m. AEST

AFR Energy & Climate Summit

Energy transformation – Time to connect the dots

Over the past year, federal and state governments have unveiled a range of clean energy investments and incentives – arguably the final piece of the energy transformation puzzle. But while we’re seemingly equipped to meet our 2030 emissions reductions targets, we remain at an impasse. Polarising attitudes and approaches across government, industry, investors, and our communities continue to divide us on the most sustainable, affordable, and reliable road to decarbonisation.

The path to success is right in front of us: Australia’s rich and diverse natural and critical resources offer the unique opportunity to build a future energy system that benefits all consumers and communities.

It’s time for us to set aside our differences and stand together, united on our shared purpose for a decarbonised, digitally connected and economically resilient Australia.

It’s time to connect the dots.

Deloitte speakers:

Energy & Climate 2024

Registrations now open

Beyond the Summit: Australia 2030

Discover the AFR Summit Series Podcast

Where have we come from? Where will we go? 

To shape a better future, we must learn from our past and act in the present. In this podcast series, Deloitte sits down with some of the nation’s most influential business and government leaders to unpack what Australia would, could, or should look like in 2030. Join us as we explore the road ahead and what it means for our economy, our climate, and our people in this new age of disruption. 

Summit perspectives