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Make the most of the opportunities in your business

PerformanceFocus is the specialist consulting team within Deloitte Motor Industry Services solely focused on helping motor dealers and manufacturers improve their performance and profitability.

Our Specialist Consulting Team

Our consultants include former industry Executives, Dealer Owners, Dealer Principals, and General Managers, with a proven track record and a willingness to commit, and value, ongoing relationships. They are coupled with energetic and knowledgeable subject matter experts and project managers who ensure that we are there for your team while you are on your own performance journey. The Deloitte team will provide you with valuable insights and tangible actions all aimed at helping you to achieve your objectives.

Rather than delivering quick fixes, or isolated pieces of advice, the Deloitte consulting team collaboratively works with dealers and brands to help them achieve long-term, sustainable profitability for their dealerships. Deloitte can assist you with anything from big-picture strategic planning to operational solutions at a dealership departmental level. Our end-to-end methodology, integrated partnering and holistic approach is part of what separates us from the rest.

How we can help

Deloitte provides a range of options to help franchises improve the profitability of their networks and dealers improve the performance of each department within their business.

Rather than leave improvements in performance to chance, it is important to have a holistic, structured process to monitor operational performance, uncover areas of weakness or opportunity and develop action plans that address them. Then it is vital to monitor the results to ensure that the actions you take are really improving the performance of your business.

At Deloitte we work with you to develop end-to-end Dealer Performance Programmes that are designed to help your dealership, your dealership group or your network along the path to long-term, sustainable profitability. Our solutions follow a structured framework:

Performance Monitoring

What gets measured, gets done. Without a way of tracking and monitoring performance, you are just guessing. Following the ProfitFocus™ philosophy, we use the power of the data in the ProfitFocus™ benchmarking platform to track and analyse dealership performance.


Monitoring performance is just the start. We provide education and support for both dealer and franchise personnel in interpreting the dealership and market information to ensure you understand the real factors that are driving performance in your dealerships.


Use actual dealership data to gain the insights and tangible focus points to help improve performance. Compare your performance to industry composites and Benchmarks to get a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of actual performance. The aim is to help you get to the heart of areas for potential improvement. Depending on your needs, this step could be purely through a ‘light touch’ approach based on data analysis, or through a ‘deep-dive’ approach using in-dealership health checks. Or a combination of the two.


Even the best insights are nothing if they are not translated into action. Once the issues you are facing are clear, the Deloitte team will work with you to define - and then implement – the action plans that are needed to address the situation you face.

These actions could take the form of:

  • Dealer Performance Comparison Groups aimed at providing dealers with a forum for sharing operational best practice across their whole businesses.
  • "One-to-One" Performance Management Programs that are entirely tailored to the specific needs of the dealership.
  • Network-wide training programs aimed at addressing skill gaps across the network.
  • One on One coaching for key dealership staff to assist with implementation of strategy or action plans to ensure a more immediate impact on dealership performance.
  • Tailored talent development programs for Senior Management designed to lift the standard of your network and ensure it remains there.

Review & Measure

Once the action plan has been put in place, the Deloitte team will work with you to monitor the resulting performance improvement through both financial and non-financial KPIs. Deloitte offers a depth of financial, operational, and strategic knowledge which can be tailored from a network level right down to the granular detail of an individual dealership department. We adapt our approach between consulting, training, coaching and mentoring and consider outcomes on an integrated and whole-of-dealership basis to ensure that we maximise the benefits for entire dealerships, rather than single departments.

Wherever your business is placed, the Deloitte team can develop a Dealer Performance Programme for you. We will share our expertise and guide the implementation of industry best practice. We are there with you on your journey – all the way.

Dealer Performance Comparison Groups are facilitated workshops aimed at reviewing and analysing all aspects of dealer operations from strategic planning to operational solutions at a departmental level.

Whether part of a comprehensive Dealer Performance Program, or as a performance tuning tool in their own right, Dealer Performance Comparison Groups are facilitated workshops aimed at helping like-minded dealers to improve the performance of their businesses by sharing operational best practice.

Drawing on the information already reported via the ProfitFocus™ benchmarking platform,  Dealer Performance Comparison Groups are aimed at reviewing and analysing all aspects of dealer operations. While data will always be an important starting point to ensure the group is dealing in facts, the focus of the sessions is to promote strategic thinking at a total dealership level and find operational solutions at a departmental level. The key to this is that Dealer Performance Comparison Groups are not a lecture or classroom session, but a forum for dealers to discuss best practice solutions and ideas that make a difference to their dealerships' bottom lines.

There are three broad streams of Dealer Performance Comparison Groups. One stream is the groups which are part of the dealer performance programs of manufacturers, the second stream consists of independent groups for dealers who wish to participate in a group that is not manufacturer specific and finally department focused performance groups which isolate a particular department and assess its performance with department managers.

Manufacturer Programmes

ProfitFocus™ teams up with many manufacturers to deliver Dealer Performance Comparison Groups as a part of their comprehensive dealer performance programs. Combined with ProfitFocus™ reporting, and the highly flexible range of Deloitte consulting and talent development options,  Dealer Performance Comparison Groups are a valuable tool in helping address issues - and grab hold of opportunities - within a particular franchise.For each program, Deloitte  works closely with the manufacturer to understand their strategy and objectives. This is then combined with a review of the ProfitFocus™ data to get an objective understanding the issues and opportunities facing their networks (and the industry). From there, we lay out a plan for the dealer group - and often for several dealer groups in advance - which is designed to explore the issues that have been uncovered.The Dealer Performance Comparison Groups themselves then become collaborative sessions involving Dealer Principal, Franchise representatives and Deloitte Motor Industry Services experts aimed at helping dealers to develop operational solutions to improve the profitability of their businesses. These solutions are captured as Action Plans for each dealership which are recorded and followed up by the ProfitFocus™ team and revisited in subsequent Dealer Groups.

Independent Dealer Groups

Independent Dealer Groups are forums for like-minded Dealer Principals who have the common goal of always ensuring they have the highest levels of operational excellence in their business. The memberships of these groups are carefully constructed to ensure there is a healthy exchange of ideas and relevant experiences within the group. The key is creating a group with enough similarities that the group members can relate to each other, but also enough differences that they can bring fresh perspectives to the group.The members of these groups have a high level of input into their own Dealer Group program to ensure it is always relevant for them. This stretches across everything, from input into the agenda for individual meetings, through the frequency and timing of the sessions (typically two or three times a year) right down to choosing the venues for their meetings. Many members of these groups are very successful dealers who have belonged to one Deloitte Independent Dealer Group for many years and have come to consider the other members of their group as vital business partners.

Department Focused Performance Groups

Using a similar format to the manufacturer program, the Department Focused Performance Groups involve departmental managers. In addition to drawing on their ProfitFocus™ reporting, members submit specific operational performance data prior to the meeting. This information is collated, reviewed and analysed by the Deloitte facilitator and linked back to each dealerships financial performance in preparation for the Group.

The meeting then examines the performance of each dealership's department against the market, benchmarks and action plans arising from previous sessions. While the data is an important starting point to ensure the group is dealing in facts, the focus of the session is challenging strategic thinking and finding operational solutions that are relevant to the specific department.