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Dbriefs Webcast Help

Having trouble viewing?

Please review the minimum requirements, general frequently asked questions, and technical question.

Minimum requirements

  1. Test your system
  2. Operating system and internet browser configurations
  3. Media players
  4. Internet connection
  5. Cookies and JavaScript
  6. General FAQ
  7. Technical questions

Test your system

Before viewing a Webcast we recommend that you test your system configuration


Operating system and internet browser configurations

Supported system configurations

  • Windows 10+ (latest Microsoft Edge, Firefox, or Google Chrome)
  • Apple Mac OS 10.10+ (*latest Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome)
  • Android 9+ (latest Google Chrome browser)
  • Apple iOS 12+ (*latest Safari browser)

* If you are using an unsupported version of a Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system, you may experience difficulty in viewing and/or listening to the event.

Supported internet browsers

  • Microsoft Edge (*latest)
  • Mozilla Firefox (*latest)
  • Safari (*latest, Mac only)
  • Google Chrome (*latest)

* Official support for the "latest" version of a newly released browser, among those noted above, will be added within 8 weeks of public release. Until then, the previous version will continue to be supported instead.

Media players

The platform supports Microsoft Edge, Chrome, FireFox and Safari. We can deliver the experience via HTML5.

Internet connection

Before you access the event, you should ensure that your browser is configured to stream media. For Audio events we recommend a minimum Internet connection of 128 Kbps. For Video events you will need a minimum Internet connection of 800 Kbps for an optimal experience.

Cookies and JavaScript

In order to access the event, your computer must have cookies and JavaScript enabled. If your operating system currently does not have cookies or JavaScript enabled, contact your network administrator or reference the help links located on the registration page.

To enable cookies support when using Microsoft Edge, complete the following steps: 

  1. Run Microsoft Edge
  2. Go to “Settings and more” at the top right corner of your browser
  3. Go to “Settings”
  4. Choose “Cookies and site permissions”
  5. Select “Cookies and site data”
  6. Turn on “Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)” to unblock cookies


To enable cookies support when using Chrome, complete the following steps:

  1. Run Chrome.
  2. Click on Customise and Control Google Chrome.
  3. Show Advanced Settings.
  4. Under Privacy, click on "Content Settings".
  5. Select "Allow local data to be set".
  6. Click "Done".


To enable cookies support when using Safari, complete the following steps: 

  1. Run Safari.
  2. From the Safari menu, select Preferences....
  3. Select the Security icon.
  4. Check the box marked Enable Java.
  5. Check the box marked Enable JavaScript.
  6. Select one of the two options that allow Safari to accept cookies: "Only for sites you navigate to" and "Always".
  7. Close Window.
How do I register for a Webcast?

You may register from the "Register for this Webcast" link on the AP Dbriefs page or directly from our invitation emails. From either place, when you activate the "Register" button you will be taken to our registration form. Kindly fill in all the details to register for the webcast.

Is there a deadline for registration?

No, although we recommend registering no later than 30 minutes prior to any event. Once registered, a confirmation email will be sent containing the link needed to access the Webcast.

Does registration ever close?

Only after the Webcast has been aired. It may then be viewed at any time from our archives page for up to 180 days after the live event.

Is there a limit to the number of attendees?

No, unlike some technologies with a limited capacity, ours allows for an unlimited number of viewers, ensuring access to the Webcast.

After I register for a Webcast, when will I receive the details necessary to access it?

Upon registering, you will be sent an automatic confirmation email with the access link. We will also send a reminder notice shortly before the event.

How do I subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Dbriefs mailing list?

You may join the mailing list by selecting the "Join Dbriefs" button on the right or simply by attending a Webcast. You may unsubscribe at any time by sending us an email with the word “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. 

How much does it cost to view a Webcast?

Nothing, they're absolutely free.

What is the ideal time to join a Webcast?

We recommend joining the Webcast about 5 to 10 minutes before it begins, to make sure your computer is configured properly.

How can I obtain a copy of the slides used during the Webcast?

The slides from a Webcast can be downloaded directly from the Webcast screen, for both live and archived presentations.

What if I missed a live Webcast?

All Dbriefs Webcasts are archived for 180 days after they originally air. For a complete list of past programming, please visit the Dbriefs on-demand webcasts.

Can I receive CPE credit for attending a Webcast?

You can request a Dbriefs Asia Pacific Attendance Record for Webcasts you have attended to claim CPE/CPD credits. See CPE/CPD Information to find out the eligibility requirement in your jurisdiction and how to request the attendance record.

Is there a dial-in number for the Webcast?

No. All audio and visual aspects are streamed directly over the Internet and come through your computer.

Official support for the "latest" version of a newly released browser, among those noted above, will be added within 8 weeks of public release. Until then, the previous version will continue to be supported instead.

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