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Tax consulting/ advisory

Tax consulting is advising on taxation/tax treatment of the entity's transactions and/or activities in accordance with national and international laws.

Tax consulting is advising on taxation / tax treatment of a particular transaction or group of transactions. Advice includes analysis of tax implications and assessed level of tax risks for possible scenarios of conducting transactions.

Consulting may cover issues related to both national and international laws.

Advice preparation includes, in particular:

  • the transactions analysis from the viewpoint of the efective tax law,
  • the analysis of available official letters from regulatory authorities regarding the subject of such advice,
  • analysis of court practice via search for precedents in the court decision database.

A detailed report (memorandum) is prepared based on the obtained results. The report contains a description of the tax treatment that transaction should have, applicable tax risks (including the risk level assessment) or issues, recommendations on alternative ways to perform transactions or tax risk mitigation strategies.