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Neobanks: their role during the war


«He who works all day has no time to make money.» — John Rockefeller. He who works in a bank all day has no time to use banking services. These words of John Rockefeller, famous American businessman and philanthropist, best describe the importance of neobanks in modern-day life.

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New opportunities for corporate governance: how different models work


By the end of 2023, companies must decide on their governance structure and update their charters and internal regulations respectively.

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How the Ukrainian retail sector leverages artificial intelligence


Ukrainian retailers are exploring and implementing tools such as iBeacon, Midjourney, Kissa AI, and Geofencing. So what is it and how does it work?

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Forbes Ukraine

Ukrainian business requests the authorities to postpone the declaration of their foreign entities


Andriy Servetnyk, Deloitte Ukraine’s tax expert, explains the current situation regarding the CIC reporting: what entrepreneurs ask for and why now.

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How to strengthen the Ukrainian military and defense industry


Military and defense industry is gaining importance and becoming a critical industry for Ukraine, to say the least. The First International Defense Industries Forum, which was recently held in Kyiv, showed the interest of the world’s leading companies to be our long-term partners in this area.

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Taxes for individual taxpayers in Ukraine: what should be changed after the war?


Andriy Servetnyk indulged in a bit of fantasy about the ideal tax system for Ukraine and what it should be like.

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Encouraging factors for return of the working-age population to Ukraine


The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine estimates that about 6.2 million people have left Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion. asked Iakiv Akulov, Human Capital Advisory Services Leader, and Yaroslav Serputko, Audit and Assurance Director, Food Processing and Agriculture Industry Group Leader at Deloitte Ukraine, to outline the encouraging factors in stimulating the return of the working-age population to Ukraine.

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Agribusiness: Pre-War Investment Horizon


The agrarian industry has recently been going through trying times and faced new challenges—all this has led to multiple transformational processes in the agrarian business. Changes affected all producers, regardless of their size and business area.

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A working investment model: On what conditions business is ready to invest in the agricultural sector


Despite the war, agri-food sector of Ukraine remains attractive for investment due to the natural and climatic conditions, accumulated expertise and qualified personnel, relatively low cost of key production factors (land and labor force), developed logistics, export orientation, high demand for products on international markets, and proximity to the European market.

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Forbes Ukraine

Why stock prices of Ukrainian agricultural companies drop on European stock exchanges


Kernel Agro Holding, having been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 2007, plans to exit the Polish exchange. Yaroslav Serputko explains the situation with the stock market capitalization of Ukrainian agricultural companies and whether there are any prospects for growth.

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Delisting: Will it become a widespread phenomenon for Ukrainian agricultural sector?


Last week, the news about Kernel’s intentions to delist from the Warsaw Stock Exchange and buy back shares from shareholders have stirred the market. Among the reasons why Kernel initiated delisting was an inconsistency between the organizational and financial costs of maintaining a public profile and relative advantages of being a public traded company.

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Embrasure of possibilities: What immediate support investors need during the war


The day of the big hunt has not yet come, but all those wishing to invest in Ukraine should receive maximum support and respect from the state.

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