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Open Agro University: Education of the Future in Agribusiness by Kernel, Deloitte Ukraine, and the EBRD

The future of Agribusiness lies in high technologies multiplied by the professionalism of experts.

Today you may obtain comprehensive knowledge and receive valuable practical experience in seven specializations at Open Agro University. This is a unique educational project launched by Kernel aimed at training skilled personnel for agribusiness and food processing industries.

The partner of Open Agro University was the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “EBRD”) that provided technical cooperation and advisory support for the successful delivery of the project implemented by Kernel, Deloitte Ukraine in cooperation with the online education platform Prometheus.

There are several prerequisites for creating modern professional training centers by vocation-related subjects in Agribusiness. First, graduates of both vocational schools and higher educational institutions do not always possess a sufficient level of practical skills and knowledge in modern technologies required by private sector employers. Second, young people do not often see possibilities for professional development in the industry. Therefore, Kernel, in cooperation with EBRD, and experts of Deloitte Ukraine’s Human Capital Advisory Services team and Deloitte Ukraine’s Academy realized a rather ambitious project.

Analyzed the current state of educational services market in Ukraine and staffing requirements of agricultural sector entities.

It has been identified that, currently, the employers feel an urgent lack in qualified specialists who would possess practical knowledge, in particular, in working with complicated technological equipment. Moreover, the current state of domestic agricultural education, with its annually diminishing number of agricultural specialty students, fails to meet the expectations of employers.

Competencies necessary for young specialists
  • Professional knowledge:
    • Botany;
    • Soil science;
    • Plant studies;
    • Technologies for environmental production and plant growing;
    • Knowledge of computer programs.
  • Soft skills and personal qualities:
    • Adaptability;
    • Responsibility;
    • Sociability;
    • Innovation;
    • Self-development;
    • Forecasting;
    • Critical thinking;
    • Systematic thinking;
    • Strategic thinking;
    • Integrity;
    • Readiness to relocate within the country

As demonstrated by the research results concerning global practices, basic professional competencies and knowledge form the foundation and the need of any specialist; however, no less important is the knowledge of modern approaches in agriculture and use of environmental principles and technologies.

Determined key educational institutions and priority regions for the project.

The experts have analyzed in detail different criteria, in particular, Kernel’s regional representation in Ukraine, internal need in specialists, the number of higher educational institutions with the selected academic programs, the number of students and graduates of higher educational institutions, etc., whereupon the regions and training centers therein have been prioritized.

Developed a concept and format of a Training Center, as well as its curricula.

Kernel’s team, based on the recommendations of Deloitte experts, have developed a general concept and detailed curricula for each of the seven specialties in the virtual Training Centre of Open Agro University, with involvement of external experts of the Company, and shaped a unique ecosystem for training agricultural professionals in Ukraine – online and offline study systems, with on-site practical sessions at the production facilities, in the fields and laboratories.

The Company’s specialists, based on the general concept of Student Journey proposed by Deloitte experts, have developed detailed roadmaps for each of the seven specialties, which display the key information on the program flow in the Training Center.

In addition, Deloitte Ukraine have been engaged in developing a financial plan of Open Agro University.

Shaped and implemented a PR-campaign aimed at engaging motivated young people to enter and popularizing the project.

The Kernel’s team headed by PR Department of the Company have developed and implemented a detailed communication plan on the involvement of young people, whereas Deloitte experts, within the involvement program, have assisted in conducting communications with higher educational institutions in Ukraine.

Of all those who volunteered to participate in the program, 150 students were elected for the following specialties: agronomist, electric engineer, mechanical engineer (agro), mechanical engineer (factories), process control engineer, engineer technologist (oil), and engineer technologist (grain). On February 1, 2022, studies at Open Agro University began.

The full-scale war initiated by russia against Ukraine caused the project team to temporarily suspend the activities. However, already in March, thanks to the efforts of Kernel’s team, Open Agro University resumed its work. The training program was adapted to the present-day realities, in particular, the section on psychological support was added, and the educational practice studies arranged taking into account the security situation.

The pilot season of the project turned out to be a success for Kernel – the Company received stable results, replenished its personnel reserve, and improved the working potential. Deloitte Ukraine’s experts assisted Kernel in implementation of the best global practices and approaches to training young agricultural professionals in Ukraine. The Company decided to continue the project in the year to come and commenced a negotiating process with higher educational institutions.

The establishment of such educational institution of new generation in agricultural sector is a significant step of Kernel on the way of tectonic changes in the profession’s perception and improvement in the level of Ukrainian specialists not only in the domestic labor market, but also globally. The young people studying in the best conditions will not lose time and will be able to apply their knowledge on the projects that are going to transform the future and promote the well-being of Ukraine.