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Oleksandr Yampolskyi

Director, Tax & Legal | Transfer Pricing Group

Career. Oleksandr has 12 years of experience in tax consulting. At the start of his career, Oleksandr advised on corporate taxation, VAT, business structuring, and tax support of audits. He was at the forefront of establishing Deloitte Ukraine’s transfer pricing group in 2013, when the transfer pricing rules were adopted in Ukraine. In 2016–2017, he worked at Deloitte’s London office, where he gained experience in TP projects for financial transactions.

Projects. Among Oleksandr’s clients are large Ukrainian groups and subsidiaries of multinational groups. Oleksandr and transfer pricing team provide services related to the preparation of TP reports, Master Files and Country-by-Country Reports, business restructuring services, support during discussions with tax authorities, as well as TP compliance services for large Ukrainian groups in all regions of their presence.