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USAID Afya Yangu Southern Program

Program Overview

The USAID Afya Yangu Southern Program (2021-2026) aims at supporting the Government of Tanzania to deliver high quality integrated HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) services prevention care and treatment services that will improve health outcomes, particularly for youth and children.

The USAID Afya Yangu Southern Program provides technical and material assistance and/or administrative and management support to the GOT-MOH and PORALG through local government authorities, at regional and districts level, public and private health facilities, and communities (CSO & FBOs) to increase their capacity to manage and deliver quality HIV/TB services within public sector and relevant faithbased health facilities. The program also strengthens the provision of community-based health services and improve linkages between communities and health facilities. 


Healthier lives and thriving communities.


Increase demand for and use of high-quality integrated HIV-TB prevention, care and treatment services, particularly for youth and children, through a comprehensive client centered approach leading to improved health outcomes.

Focus Areas

HIV and TB with Integrated Family Planning (FP) and Gender Services.

Key Result Areas

  • Improved access to quality client-centered health services.
  • Improved ability of individuals to practice positive healthy behaviors.
  • Enhanced enabling environment for quality health service provision.