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USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone

Impacting at every level

USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone is a five-year (1 October 2016 – 30 September 2021) program undertaken in Tanzania and supported by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Deloitte Consulting Limited implements the program in 43 councils of Iringa, Njombe, Morogoro, Lindi, Mtwara and Ruvuma regions with its technical partners Family Health International (FHI360), EngenderHealth and Management and Development for Health (MDH).

The core vision of USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone is to create a dynamic, integrated platform for delivery of health services that emphasizes intensified coordination and collaboration between the Government of Tanzania, health facilities and communities, towards achieving HIV epidemic control while integrating Family Planning, Tuberculosis (TB), Maternal and Child Health, Malaria care and Nutrition through innovative integration approaches at all levels and opportunities.

USAID Boresha Afya Southern Zone produces a quarterly newsletter to keep its stakeholders informed about its activities in the Program implementing regions of Iringa, Njombe, Morogoro, Lindi, Mtwara and Ruvuma in Tanzania.

                   Subscribe to receive these newsletters.


The goal of USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone is to improve the health status of all Tanzanians through attaining the following results;

  • Result 1: Improved enabling environment for health service provision
  • Result 2: Improved availability of quality, integrated health services at the facility level
  • Result 3: Increased access to health services at the community level

Recent Alerts

5 years of making an impact that matters: USAID Boresha Afya – Southern

Through our approach of tailoring to each geographic area, optimizing the continuum of care, focusing on client centered care, implementing a strategy for gender and youth, QI, and Multiple Level Integration and enhancing collaboration with GOT, CSOs, CBOs, and FBOs and coordination with other programs within and out of our six regions, we have managed to successfully deliver very high quality and integrated services both at the facility and community levels........Read more

USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone Newsletter Issue #8

COVID-19 has brought with it uncertainty all over the world and Tanzania is no exception. Amidst these uncertain times, I hope you are all doing well and are keeping safe. Many thanks to the front-line healthcare workers who tirelessly continue to work to ensure those affected by the virus are taken care of and recover...................Read more


USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone Newsletter Issue #7

Happy New Year to all! I am optimistic you all got a well-deserved break over the festive season. I also understand that the breaks seem much shorter for healthcare professionals as...................Read more


USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone Newsletter Issue #6

As our Program moves past the halfway stage of implementation, there are plenty of achievements to write about.  Amongst these and most notably, new clients initiated on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) during the past quarter were 11,021, directly contributing to the Program reaching a total 189,149 clients currently on ART in the five supported regions since Program inception........Read more


USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone Newsletter Issue #5

A number of interventions have taken place over the past couple of months as we strive to achieve our Program goals, some of which are documented in yet another USAID Boresha Afya Southern Zone Program newsletter, our fifth issue to date.......Read more


USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone Newsletter Issue #4

This issue highlights some of our achievements over the past quarter, accomplished through close collaboration with our partners at LGAs and CSOs in the regions we implement the program. Some of these include the commemorations of 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, vehicle handover ceremony in Dar es Salaam, SILC group and Malaria programmatic successes in Lindi and how community mentoring sessions have brought clients back to care......Read more


USAID Boresha Afya – Southern Zone Newsletter Issue #3

In this reporting quarter (Quarter 3 of Fiscal Year 2), we have undertaken a number of activities. Most of these focused mainly on upscaling interventions in HIV testing particularly Index Testing and Provider Initiated HIV Testing and Counseling (PITC); increasing FP demands especially fostering the provision of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARCs) and Permanent Methods (PMs) to expand method mix as well emphasizing on the contribution of Community TB interventions in adding value to TB notifications. Additionally, for Malaria we have concentrated on mentorship and coaching to Community Health Workers (CHWs) on minimizing over-diagnosis of clinical Malaria and training of R/CHMTs on Electronic Data System (EDS).......Read more


RMO Newsletter Issue #2

With the conclusion of our second quarter of financial year 2 (2018), I felt it important we share some of our program highlights with all our stakeholders with whom we have relentlessly worked side by side in what is our second issue of the Results Management Office newsletter.  Throughout Quarter 2, the Program continued to implement activities in supported thematic areas i.e. HIV/AIDS, Family Planning, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Maternal, and Child Health through our three key results. Namely, these are; improved enabling environment for health services provision; improved availability of quality, integrated health services at the facility level; and increased access to health services at the community level...... Read more


RMO Newsletter Issue #1

I would like to extend gratitude to all our partners for the great work thus far. We have recently concluded one year since this programme commenced and while we faced teething problems, in the beginning, I can now state with certainty that we are on course to meet the targets set. On what is our very first newsletter, allow me to warmly introduce you to what the USAID Boresha Afya project is all about. After the successful implementation of Tunajali I and II projects (2007-2017) a shift in focus by our Donors, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) underscored the need to implement a more integrated program which consequently gave birth to ‘USAID Boresha Afya’, Swahili for ‘improve health.’ The phrase effortlessly captured collective efforts to ultimately improve the health status of all Tanzanians......Read more 



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