As financial reporting requirements become increasingly complex and global regulations multiply, organizations need advanced accounting capabilities that enable strong and effective reporting. With our deep financial reporting experience across multiple industries and financial reporting and regulatory regimes, we support organizations in implementing accounting and reporting standards, and preparing financial statements.
One Stop Solution – Global expertise through one contact
Our specialists collaborate globally and share their expertise from their respective markets, ensuring that we can always offer the most up-to-date and relevant guidance. We can also synchronize with our many business areas to offer complete solutions in cross-border projects.
Selection of our Accounting & Reporting Advisory services
Explore our selection of service offerings within Accounting & Reporting Advisory
Financial Reporting and Accounting Support - IFRS, K3, K2
Our dedicated team can be by your side to proactively navigate and address complexities from an ever-changing business landscape. We provide on-demand technical accounting and corporate reporting support, in order to help you address significant accounting events, strategic transactions and new accounting standard implementations.
Among other things, we can help you with:
On demand accounting support (IFRS/K3/K2)
Transaction accounting support in case of integration, carve-out or spin-off
Workshops and trainings for the application of specific accounting standards
Commentary letters and accounting opinions
Financial manual
IFRS Conversion
In a dynamic business climate, rapid changes occur within organizations and companies. Financial reporting is becoming more complex and the pace of change is accelerating. At the same time, investors and other stakeholders place great value on transparency in financial reporting. IFRS is a complex set of rules where it can be difficult to navigate.
We help you with the implementation of IFRS so that you can produce a complete set of financial reports in accordance with IFRS. Alternatively, we can help you with implementation in certain special areas. Based on our experience, it is important that the project is anchored in the board and management. In addition, a great commitment is required from your employees, both inside and outside the finance department.
Treasury Accounting - Financial Instruments and Derivatives
We offer assurance services to assist clients with the implementation of the IFRS 9 Financial Instruments standard, including hedge accounting and accounting for extended credit losses, with tailored assistance at each phase of the implementation project. We support clients in developing their expertise in technical accounting, regulatory, or business changes through Deloitte-facilitated workshops, roundtables, or discussions on key topics impacting their businesses. Additionally, we help clients address both their short and long-term finance talent needs by providing qualified resources to sustain day-to-day activities.
Capital Adequacy
We provide services within the field of capital adequacy, including reviews of regulatory compliance and regulatory financial reporting. We offer support in relation to the preparation of internal capital and liquidity adequacy (ICAAP/ILAAP) assessments.
ESEF reporting and XBRL tagging
Managing the ESEF requirements and XBRL tagging requires a good understanding and knowledge of the ESEF taxonomy. The choice of system supplier is also important for a smooth and efficient implementation. At Deloitte, we have extensive experience in practically assisting our clients in carrying out detailed tagging according to ESEF requirements and have good relationships with a number of system suppliers.
Among other things, we can help you with:
Workshops in company-specific application of the ESEF framework
Mapping of accounts and notes against the taxonomy
Tagging of the IFRS accounts and notes in the selected software
Review and quality assurance regarding mapping/tagging performed by the company