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Tax Accounting Services

Comprehensive tax accounting services

Our tax departments are required to maintain accurate income tax accounts and tax disclosures in financial statements.


Providing the right balance of support and specialism for any organisation

Deloitte Global Tax Accounting Group (“GTAG”) can deliver a full range of income tax accounting services, Offerings a combination of process and tax accounting technical capabilities to drive the delivery of valuable insights, help mitigate risk and identify potential opportunities. Our GTAG professionals can assist companies in preparing income tax provision calculations for financial reporting Purpose under both USGAAP and IFRS. In addition, GTAG can help clients understand the impact of new tax laws on income tax provision calculations, income tax account balances and income tax disclosures. Our professionals can also help clients account for uncertainties in income taxes under ASC740 and IAS12.

Our collaborative and proven approach can provide the right balance of support and specialism for any organisation. Deloitte’s tax provision preparation assistance can involve outsourcing or co-sourcing, providing specialists to support specific foreign provisions calculations or using time-limited personnel contracting. Regardless of the arrangement, the objective of our GTAG services is the same: to develop relationships with our clients built on trust, expertise and transparency while supporting the strategic goals of management.

Deloitte‘s GTAG specialists can also advise management on complex tax accounting Issue such as those related to Up-C structures, deferred tax validations, valuation allowance analyses and uncertain tax positions. Additionally, we offer provision services that include proforma financial reporting, internal control assessment and remediation and restatements and reconciliations of IFRS and US GAAP differences.

Deloitte’s GTAG can support, in a scalable manner, the strategic goals of an organisation by providing the expertise necessary for determining appropriate tax amounts for financial reporting Purpose.

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