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International Tax

Vision. Clarity. Confidence.

Fiscal needs, economic and political pressures, and new rules and regulations are contributing to a rapidly changing international tax landscape. Deloitte can help navigate this complex global tax environment and provide tailored solutions and guidance to assess risks and opportunities.

Deloitte tax@hand

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Information and insights from Deloitte’s tax specialists, globally. Stay up-to-date with the latest tax news, rates and commentary anytime, anywhere.

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Inclusive framework statement agrees taxation of digital economy, global minimum rate

Update on global tax reform

The G20/OECD Inclusive Framework on BEPS published a statement in July 2021 on key components of global tax reform, agreed by 130 of its members.

Pillar One blueprint on nexus, profit allocation challenges of digitalisation issued

The Pillar One blueprint sets out “building blocks” for potential future international agreement on rules for taxable presence (nexus) in countries and profit allocation between countries to address tax challenges arising from digitalisation.

Pillar Two blueprint on a global minimum tax issued

The Pillar Two blueprint proposes a set of interlocking international tax rules designed to ensure that large multinational businesses pay a minimum level of tax on all profits in all countries.

Latest news from tax@hand: A global tax perspective

October 21 | Hong Kong SAR

New initiatives proposed to attract talent and business
2022 Policy Address focuses on a broad array of talent and business initiatives to bring business and talent to Hong Kong SAR Read more...

October 21 | United States

IRS proposes changes to Schedule UTP
Comments may be submitted by 18 November 2022

October 19 | Malaysia

Guidelines issued on tax treatment of foreign-source income received in Malaysia
Clarifications provided on treatment of foreign-source income received by residents in Malaysia and conditions for tax exemption Read more...

October 19 | El Salvador

Considerations regarding use of SOFR as rate for intercompany financing transactions
SOFR may be used as an alternative risk-free rate to LIBOR for transactions in US dollars Read more...

October 18 | Norway

2023 state budget published
Budget addresses international and cross-border tax matters

October 18 | United Kingdom

Chancellor brings forward further Medium-Term Fiscal Plan measures
Majority of announcements in September 2022 mini-budget reversed

October 18 | Australia

Weekly tax round-up (17 October 2022)
Federal Budget October 2022 latest news, ATO releases key findings reports Read more...

October 17 | European Union

EU Commission launches consultation on BEFIT
Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation directive expected by third quarter of 2023 Read more...