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A Global agricultural producer wanted to understand how to best develop their organisation to embrace hybrid working due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Deloitte was asked to conduct an analysis of the interactions, structure, work habits and relationships within the organisation to clearly understand the best way to structure the workplace both physically and virtually.

Deloitte surveyed over 600 employee through the use of Deloitte’s Adaptable Organisation Network Analysis (AONA), to provide analysis and recommendations on how to optimise the workplace.

Adaptable organisations set out to reimagine the digital workplace.


The organisation was able to understand and act on:

Who was part of the core vs the periphery of the organisation and their work location preferences.

Insights on who the key influences, knowledge brokers, potential bottlenecks and decision makers were across the organisation.

Identification of 16 unique communities that exist across the organisation, where they were located and the dominate capabilities.

A clear view of actions and next steps to best optimise the hybrid workplace.

The future belongs to the adaptable

Deloitte Adaptable Organisation 2.0

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