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An UK based grocery and general merchandise organisation whose growth was inhibited by functionally siloed ways of working. This organisation shifted to an outcome based model that leveraged ‘Mission Based Teams’ (MBTs) to enable flexible allocation of resources to the highest priorities of the business


Deloitte supported to enable:

Organisation strategy developed centrally and translated into outcomes, which collectively describe the success of the strategy over a 12-18 month timeframe

All individuals have a professional “home” where common groupings of skills and capabilities come together and where learning, development and performance management occurs

Resources are allocated from professions to multi-disciplinary Mission Teams who are responsible for the day-to-day tasks required to deliver outcomes

Resources are moved between Mission Teams based on the priorities of the business e.g. responding to changing market conditions and capturing new market opportunities

Information and best practice is shared through cross-Mission Team and cross-Profession collaboration and engagement

Adaptable organisations balance adaptability and efficiency through team design.


Benefits included:

Centres the organisation on a clearly defined, unifying strategy

Promotes a constant organisation-wide prioritisation of business outcomes, health metrics and OKRs

Continuously identifies customer trends and screens new innovations
Drives collaboration through multi-disciplinary mission teams

Increases business agility as resources are flexibly allocated to respond to new value opportunities

Unlocks investment capital for growth as the organisation moves towards a lean, resource constrained model

The future belongs to the adaptable

Deloitte Adaptable Organisation 2.0

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