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Unleashing Sustainable Value in Food and Agriculture

Nearly all 350 surveyed food and agriculture executives said sustainability investments drive revenue growth and cost savings. Using survey data, interviews, and the Return on Sustainability (ROSI™) framework pioneered by the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business (CSB), this paper outlines seven key themes that can guide companies in identifying and maximizing value.

Deloitte and NYU Stern CSB partnered to understand the return on investment that food and agriculture companies can generate from sustainability investments. The survey of 350 senior executives from the US, the Netherlands, the UK, and Germany demonstrates that regardless of where an organization sits along the food value chain, sustainability strategies generate financial value. However, financial benefits and the projection of future value of sustainability strategies differ across value chain segments and geographies – the following interactive charts illustrate these differences while highlighting key report findings.

Explore seven key themes that highlight how your organization can harness the potential of sustainability investments.

Get in touch

Ben Ninio

Principal, Sustainability Strategy & Transformation Deloitte Consulting LLP

Tensie Whelan

Distinguished Professor of Practice and Founding Director, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business

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