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Annual Review of Football Finance 2019

World in motion

The 28th edition of our report reflects the continued revenue growth of English Football’s Premier League and Football League and their contribution to overall revenues in the European football market reaching record levels in the 2017/18 football season.

You’ve got to hold and give

This edition chronicles the ever fluid football finance landscape, the Championship clubs’ gambling to reach the top and the strenuous and creative efforts of other European football leagues to narrow the gap to the Premier League. It also includes our own insights into improving strategy and governance in the business of sport.

Get the whole picture in the full report, available to download for free. To discuss this year’s analysis and predictions, and the impact they have on your business, get in touch with the team today.

Express yourself

The Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance Databook is available to purchase on the Deloitte Store. The most comprehensive source of football finance data, this 32 page book contains more than 8,000 data items covered in our annual report. It is the most comprehensive source of football finance data currently available.

Football Intelligence Tool

Deloitte’s Football Intelligence Tool (FIT) is a digital solution used by clubs, investors, industry experts and the media to quickly and reliably interrogate the finances of the European football market.

FIT gives you access to over 20 years of data contained within the Annual Review of Football Finance. If you would like to find out more about the tool and to book your free, contact us for a personalized demonstration.

Want more?

Annual Review of Football FInance 2018 - Roar power

Annual Review of Football Finance 2017 - Ahead of the curve

Annual Review of Football Finance 2016 - Reboot

Annual Review of Football Finance 2015 - Revolution

Annual Review of Football Finance 2014 - A premium blend

Annual Review of Football Finance 2013 - Turn on, tune in, turnover

Annual Review of Football Finance 2012 - New rules, narrow margins

Annual Review of Football Finance 2011 - Pressure for change

Annual Review of Football Finance 2010 - National interest

Previous editions of the Report and Databook are also available on the Deloitte Store.

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