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Global Health Equity Network Zero Health Gaps Pledge

Deloitte’s commitment towards health equity

All organisations have a role to play in advancing health equity and eliminating disparities in health and wellbeing outcomes between and within countries. Achieving a world with Zero Health Gaps goes together with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, creating a future where climate and human sustainability becomes a reality. This requires leaders across the global economy to participate in multistakeholder collaborations, share and learn from each other, invest and dedicate resources, commit to and sustain action, and measure and report impact.

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Deloitte joined 38 other organisations in signing the Global Health Equity Network Zero Health Gaps Pledge, a commitment to take concerted action to advance health equity globally. The pledge includes 10 key commitments all signatories have made to embed health equity principles throughout their operations, workforce and guiding philosophies. It marks the beginning of an historic journey to making health equity an integral part of business strategies globally and an important step towards a world without health disparities.

The Zero Health Gaps Pledge is part of the Global Health Equity Network, which brings together key stakeholders from the public and private sectors to advance a collective vision of zero health gaps, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This innovative pledge is a public statement from its members declaring their commitment to take concrete steps to improve health equity across sectors and geographies and to help build a resilient and inclusive global economy that drives value for all.

Deloitte is proud to be committed to the World Economic Forum’s Zero Health Gaps Pledge. As an organisation deeply committed to its purpose of making an impact that matters, we believe that business has a critical role to play in helping more of the world’s people achieve their full human potential in every aspect of health and well-being. Individual health outcomes are often directly influenced by the choices companies make because those outcomes are influencing factors outside the healthcare system, such as access to food, housing and healthcare information.”

- Joe Ucuzoglu, Global CEO, Deloitte and Global Health Equity Network Co-Chair

The Zero Health Gaps Pledge is a pledge to take action today so we can reverse this reality tomorrow.

Learn more about the pledge and how to become a signatory here:

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