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VAT Representation services

Indirect Tax

Deloitte is currently acting as the VAT representative for a large number of mid-sized to large and global companies in Norway, ensuring compliance with the Norwegian Bookkeeping and storage requirements as well as preparing, performing controls of the basis for the VAT reporting and filing of the VAT return in Norway. Depending on the nature of your activity and provided certain conditions are met, Deloitte can provide fixed fees for a defined set of VAT representation and reporting services. In addition, as part of being a global and multidisciplinary provider of professional services, we are able to assist on a wide range of subjects in the set-up phase and on a continuous basis, including both tax and none-tax related subjects, facilitating and optimizing your company's entry into the Norwegian market.

Foreign companies selling goods or services subject to VAT within Norway shall register for VAT. Foreign companies without a place of business in Norway shall further appoint a VAT representative. The VAT representative is often referred to as a VAT agent or a fiscal representative.

The VAT representative is jointly and severally liable for the payment of VAT. However, an exemption from the joint and severe liability for payment of VAT applies to the VAT representative for companies domiciled in 16 European countries as a consequence of adequate agreements for the exchange of information and collection of taxes being in place between the states. The VAT representative is still jointly responsible for compliance with the Bookkeeping legislation.

See also Indirect Tax Compliance Services