Deloitte is developing a SAF-T analysis tool to help you understand what information you share with the Tax Authorities or other external parties before transmitting the SAF-T file.
The solution, developed by our experts on tax, VAT and accounting, helps identifying technical and professional issues.
Have you reached the stage where you have created a SAF-T file yet? We are currently helping multiple companies testing the content of their SAF-T file. Many have tested their file against the Tax Authorities validator. However, this is not built for testing anything other than that the structure is correct (it approves files even if e.g. debit and credit does not balance). If you have not started yet, we have experience from a number of companies helping them solve the challenges of creating a good SAF-T file.
Our experience is that SAF-T files that have passed a technical validation from the IT-departments still contain a number of errors. The main reason for this is that the validation the Tax Authorities offer in Altinn, and which often is used by IT to confirm the SAF-T file, is a purely technical confirmation of the schema without a control of the regulatory in the Bookkeeping Regulation. In other words, the content of the SAF-T files are not tested, such as for instance lacking information, wrong information, errors in structure, composition etc.
SAF-T will, inter alia, be used by the authorities to control the basis for the Tax Return, VAT return and the annual financial statements. The data in SAF-T should be consistent with these reports. Deloitte helps companies reconcile the SAF-T data with said mandatory reports. Deviations are examined, corrected, or possibly explained.
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