The objective of the programme is to ensure that the participating companies are well prepared for the IPO process, and what it will require of the organization.
Some of the topics on our agenda
The programme is run by Oslo Børs in partnership with DNB Markets, BAHR, First House and Deloitte.
IPOready runs from January to June 2024.
The programme starts with a kick-off on 23 January and continues with three local meetings. We offer individual coaching - the company is offered one-on-one meetings with all partners and Oslo Børs to discuss their own situation and challenges.
You get access to monthly webinars on topics related to the IPO process provided by INSEAD.
You can attend a European gathering in Lisbon with more than 250 participants and partners engaged in IPOready programmes from nine other countries.
“Deloitte is proud to be a partner of Oslo Børs’ IPO Ready program, assisting companies to do an IPO and to raise capital to grow their business”
Per Fossan-Waage, Head of Capital Market Services in Deloitte Norway