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Our subprocessors

This page contains the list of third-party subprocessors used across Deloitte Norway's products and services.

Deloitte Norway is required by Article 28 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to disclose its sub-processors where Deloitte Norway itself is acting as a data processor. Deloitte Norway affiliate entities and other Member Firms of the Deloitte Network may also be considered sub-processors where Deloitte Norway is acting as a data processor. The below list contains the most commonly used sub-processors utilised by Deloitte Norway in its products and services, as well as to third parties from which personal data is received.

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Business Register Number




Storage/processing location


Third country Transfer Mechanism (if applicable)


Advania Norge AS (formerly Visolit/Telecomputing) IT support 992009241 Pilestredet 33 0166 OSLO NORWAY Norway N/A
Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL Amazon Web Services (AWS). Global service, supporting other cloud based services (running on top of AWS).   Avenue John F. Kennedy 38, LUXEMBOURG, 1855 LUXEMBOURG EU/EEA N/A
Aon Assessment (Norway) AS Cut-e 986606947 Stortingsgata 6 0161 OSLO NORWAY EU/EEA N/A
Avarn Security AS Alarm services (Kristiansand office) 943184097 Alf Bjerckes vei 1 0582 OSLO NORWAY Norway N/A
Berg-Hansen Reisebureau AS Travel bureau services 933512665 Kirkegata 15 0153 OSLO NORWAY Norway N/A
CGI Norge AS (formerly Affecto) IT consultancy services 919562390 Tordenskioldsgate 8-10 0160 OSLO NORWAY Norway N/A
Coor Service Management AS Office services 983219721 Vollsveien 6 1366 LYSAKER NORWAY Norway N/A
Deloitte & Touche India Projects LP (Deloitte US-India) Delivery centre services   30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10112-0015 USA EU / USA / India SCC
Deloitte Central Europe Various delivery centre services     EU/EEA N/A
Deloitte Denmark (Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab AS) EMS / Atea hosting and support

Backup of some archiving systems
33 96 35 56 (CVR) Weidekampsgade 6 DK-2300 København S DENMARK Denmark / EU N/A
Deloitte GES ERDC Limited Global Employment Services - delivery centre in Romania 07249753 1 New Street Square London EC4A 3HQ UNITED KINGDOM UK / EU N/A
Deloitte Global Services Limited (DGSL) Vendors procured by DTTL (global). May include all vendors which Deloitte Norway decides to purchase services from.   1 New Street Square London EC4A 3HQ UNITED KINGDOM Depending on system (see specific listing in this list) SCC
Deltek Norge AS Maconomy 965485902 Grundingen 6 0250 OSLO NORWAY EU (generally) USA / Australia / Philippines UK (in certain cases) SCC (insofar as applicable)
Ennova AS Employee surveys 994 815 245 Kristian IVs gate 12 0164 OSLO NORWAY --- Daugbjergvej 26 DK - 8000 Aarhus C DENMARK Denmark N/A
House of Control AS IT/Software 990 637 423 House of Control AS O.H. Bangs vei 70 1363 HØVIK NORWAY Norway N/A
Inmeta Consulting AS IT consultancy services 977 302 390 Gullhaug Torg 5 0484 OSLO NORWAY EU/EEA N/A
IRIS Nederland B.V. Imanage (Document management system) 14067802 (Chamber of Commerce) L'Ambassadeur Business Park Stein 108 6181 MA Elsloo THE NETHERLANDS EU/EEA SCC (insofar as applicable)
Kredinor AS Invoicing, ledger and debt collection 927901048 Rådhusgata 27 0158 Oslo NORWAY Norway SCC (insofar as applicable)
Maestro Soft AS IT/Software 848 072 222 Karenslyst alle 8 B 0278 OSLO NORWAY EU/EEA N/A
Mapiq B.V. Office management 27366517 Molengraaffsingel 10 2629JD Delft THE NETHERLANDS Ireland N/A
Marketo EMEA Ltd. Marketing management tool 9783066G (VAT) 496539 (Company no.) Cairn House, South Country Business Park, Leopardstown Dublin 18 D18 IRELAND EU N/A
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft 365 (Office tools) Microsoft Azure (Platform for SaaS)   One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park Leopardstown Dublin 18 D18 IRELAND --- 1 Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 USA EU/EEA (storage) USA (limited support services) SCC (insofar as applicable)
Otto Mobility AS Leasing of vehicles 915 972 330 Solheimveien 7 1461 LØRENSKOG NORWAY EU/EEA N/A
Penneo Aps Digital signatures 35633766 (CVR) Gyngemose Parkvej 50 DK-2860 Søborg DENMARK EU/EEA N/A
Questback AS Survey tool 981 547 632 Bogstadveien 54 0366 OSLO NORWAY EU/EEA N/A
Recruitment Manager AS Recruitment tool (being decommissioned) 911 621 541 Karenslyst allé 8B 0278 OSLO NORWAY Norway SCC (insofar as applicable)
Salesforce, Inc. Software   The Landmark @ One Market Suite 300 San Francisco California 04105 USA EU USA SCC (insofar as applicable)
Smartrecruiters Ltd. Recruitment tool   190a Bermondsey St London SE1 3TQ UNITED KINGDOM Germany SCC (insofar as applicable)
Unit4 AS (formerly Agresso) Accounting software 961 329 310 Gjerdrums vei 4 0484 OSLO NORWAY EU/EEA N/A
Visma Software AS Huldt & Lillevik Lønn 5.0 Cloud 933 646 920 Karenslyst allé 56 0277 OSLO NORWAY EU/EEA N/A