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EMEA Dbriefs Legal

Explore the latest webcasts

Staying on top of all the legal issues for your day-to-day activities and corporate life events in many jurisdictions is a challenge, especially in this current environment. That's why Deloitte Legal launched Dbriefs, live webcasts, to help you gain insights on key legal trends and critical issues affecting your global business operations.

Upcoming webcasts

Host: Eduardo Villellas

Presenters: Arne Wittig, Robert Griffiths, Alejandro Rubio - Navantia

A recent survey conducted by Euromoney CS for Deloitte Legal revealed that, since 2020, litigation activity has intensified across every metric, with almost two-thirds of companies (64%) noting a heavier caseload since before the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, most of the respondents agreed that cases are now more complex and expensive, and are taking longer to resolve. Our panellists, legal professionals from Spain, UK and Germany will discuss the results, along with a guest speaker – Alejandro Rubio, State Lawyer and Head of Legal at Navantia. What were the burning issues? We’ll discuss:

  • The findings from the survey that gathered responses from 568 tax, finance, and legal professionals working for companies in the Americas, Asia-Pacific and EMEA
  • How greater financial risk has increased willingness to litigate, despite extra challenges
  • The escalated use of digitalisation and AI in the field

Learn more about the latest views on litigation activity

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Host: Ivana Azzollini

Presenters: Myriam Henderson, Stefan Weste, Paola Gribaldo, Julia Gorham

The EU Whistleblowing Directive has recently been implemented in most of the European countries. While the actual procedures may be well known in more complex and international business environments, the Directive implements rights and obligations concerning whistleblowers, bringing a new level of attention and compliance to local employers. It requires organisations to level out the whistleblowing landscape by creating a minimum level of protection in all EU Member States by improving and further managing whistleblowing procedures. What does this mean for your organisation? Our panel of experts from UK, Italy, Germany, and France, will discuss:

  • The view and approach to the new employment law challenges.
  • The rules around reporting under the Directive.
  • The corporate compliance aspects and implications Learn more about the legal requirements for your organisation.

Learn more about the legal requirements for your organisation.

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Host: Glafkos Tombolis, Richard Steppe, Rafael Piqueras, Uros Rozic, Bettina Mertgen and Cecile Debin

Presenters: Dr. Michael von Ruden, David Roelens, TBC

The forces that underpinned globalisation and borderless movement of capital have gone into reverse. Governments are increasingly willing to relinquish the benefits of inward investment and global capital in favour of economic nationalism and, as a consequence, detailed scrutiny of foreign investors through the application of national security and FDI laws. How do you successfully navigate this thicket of rules when executing an M&A transaction? Our panel of experts from UK, Germany, Belgium, France, and Spain will discuss:

  • The rules, and how they might apply to your deal.
  • The impact on cross-border M&A and how the rules operate on a EU level.
  • Key areas of risk for both buyers and sellers.

The webcast is essential listening for in-house legal counsel and corporate development teams. Understand how to work with the rules to optimise execution of your transaction.

Register here.

On-demand webcasts

Host: Robert Griffiths

Presenters: Jens von der Thuesen, Pietro Boccaccini, Bernhard Koeck

More than four years have passed since the introduction of the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR also introduced a basis for affected persons to claim compensation for material/immaterial damage for data protection violations. Our panel from Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Austria will look at how courts within Europe have been dealing with the new rules and damage claims. Could there be potential for mass claims and/or class actions? We’ll discuss:

  • Legal basics of compensation claims relating to data protection law violations.
  • Developments in legal services markets: mass claim service providers at the gates?
  • How courts in Germany, UK, Italy and Austria deal with respective damages claims, especially the potential of mass claims/class actions in this context.
  • Corporate defense options against potential mass actions.

Learn more about the newest developments - potential threats as well as defence possibilities.

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Host: Alex Woolgar

Presenters: Anthony Coleman, Natalia Muska, guest speaker - Huw Thomas of Carbon 13

It is widely believed that innovation offers promising solutions to the paradox of improving quality of life for a growing global population, while moving to eliminate unsustainable consumption. Energy efficiency and renewable solutions can help to avert the climate emergency; new agricultural methods can feed a growing population from increasingly depleted land; hyper-personalisation can meet individual needs while reducing resource consumption and waste. How can businesses position themselves to contribute towards this innovation and maximise the benefits of doing so? We’ll discuss:

  • The role that IP can play in promoting a sustainable future.
  • Some of the key IP challenges and opportunities for companies developing sustainable solutions.
  • How to balance business imperatives with providing environmental and social benefits to wider society.
  • What an optimal future-facing IP strategy may look like.

Learn more about this developing area.

View webcast on demand

Host: Eduardo Villellas

Presenters: Robert Griffiths, Patrycja Bolimowska, Mihnea Galgotiu-Sararu, Víctor Manuel Avila, Silvia García, Paolo Terrile, Erlind Kodhelaj

The rise of class actions and mass litigation has been evident in recent years. The regulation of this kind of litigation and the way it is handled in each jurisdiction is different. During the webcast Deloitte Dispute Resolution experts will explain the current status of this kind of litigation in their jurisdictions. This webcast will be of particular interest to legal counsels and in-house lawyers whose companies are present in several jurisdictions. How can your organisation manage disputes in the most efficient and effective way? We’ll cover the following countries, amongst others:

  • UK
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Mexico
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Albania

Keep up to date with developments in your area.

View webcast on demand

Host: Laura Askew

Presenters: Tom Collas, Paolo Terrile

When navigating a dispute, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes can be used in order to encourage the parties to reach a settlement. ADR can lead to a quicker resolution and reduced costs, so ADR will be a key consideration when determining overall strategy. During this webcast, our experts will be examining the ADR landscape in England, Belgium and Italy. What does your organisation need to know to keep up to speed? We’ll discuss:

  • Key features of ADR in each jurisdiction (including negotiation, early neutral evaluation, expert determination and mediation).
  • Any recent developments and anticipated changes going forward.

Learn more about the ADR landscape across these jurisdictions.

View webcast on demand

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Certificate of Attendance

A standard Certificate of Attendance will be made available to participants who view at least 50 minutes of a webcast, live or on demand, in our EMEA Dbriefs Legal programme. More information can be found here. To request a certificate please email us.

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