Many financial institutions are finding they’re not tuned in to current customer expectations. They’re also struggling with saturated markets, mounting pressure from regulations and other factors, all underpinned by a real sense of urgency to elevate their customer-service strategies.
To champion customer interaction, end-to-end transformation is needed within the organisation itself, and is eased by adopting a holistic, four-stage framework. Transformation success means you’re not just meeting customers’ rising expectations – you’re exceeding them.
By identifying obstacles the financial services industry is facing, we can move towards solutions that lock in customer loyalty. Here are the biggest mountains to climb:
Customer interaction is now recognised as a value and growth driver, no longer merely a cost centre. It’s crucial for building customer loyalty, revenue and a competitive edge, and justifies a change in strategy to put the customer’s journey and desires first. The following stages make up a solid framework for a financial institution to effect that strategic change, from vision to execution.