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Evolving the team-based care model

Comprehensive care has evolved. See how a multidisciplinary approach can improve quality, enhance patient experience, and contribute to clinician well-being.

Team-based care has a long tradition in health care.1 But as the industry grapples with increasingly complex patients, more treatment options, shifting sites of care, and increased specialisation of care, the need to expand beyond a basic care team (physician and medical assistant) to a comprehensive care team has never been greater. A comprehensive care team brings together multiple disciplines—advanced practice professionals, rehabilitation therapists, clinical pharmacists, social workers, health coaches and specialised care managers—to improve chronic condition management, care transitions, access to behavioural health and navigating community resources.2

The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions 2022 Survey of US Physicians finds that despite the value to care quality, patient experience, and clinician well-being, a multidisciplinary approach to patient care is not common.3 Health care organisations should rethink their team-based care models. In the short term, doing so will enable clinicians to practice at the top of their license and begin to restore joy in the practice of medicine. Longer term, it will help organisations transition to value-based payment models and realise the Future of HealthTM vision of consumer-driven care that’s focussed on prevention, wellness and an enriching patient experience.


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Deloitte Center for Health Solutions

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  1. The classic definition of a care team is “two or more health care professionals who work collaboratively with patients and their caregivers to accomplish shared goals.” For more, see: Pamela Mitchell et al., Core principles & values of effective team-based health care, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, October 2012. 

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  2. Daryl Huggard, “Integrated behavioral health in a clinical primary care setting,” MGMA, September 10, 2020. 

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  3. Regina Solomond, “Cutting burnout in half and increasing revenue by millions: Team-based care is making it possible,” EpicShare, March 2022; Helen Santoro, “Patients, clinicians benefit from team-based care model, study finds,” Stanford Medicine, December 2021; Cynthia D. Smith et al., Implementing optimal team-based care to reduce clinician burnout, National Academy of Medicine, September 2018

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The authors would like to than the following executive sponsors for their support of this research: Ken Abrams, MD; Bill Fera, MD; and Jay Bhatt, D.O., MPH, MPA.

The authors would also like to thank Wendy Gerhardt, Dorrie Guest, Stephanie Beever, Anubha Bang, Mark Snyder, Steven Milenkovic, Elizabeth Bacca, George Van Antwerp, Kristen Ivey, Greg Myers, Fazleabbas Poonawala, Harish Patel, Rebecca Knutsen, Prodyut Ranjan Borah, Laura DeSimio, Zion Bereket, and the many others who contributed to the success of this project.

Cover art by: Kevin Weier and Natalie Pfaff.

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