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Green Mobility Scheme

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Malta Enterprise have launched the Green Mobility Scheme, (hereinafter “the Scheme”), intended to work in conjunction with other existing measures in order to support undertakings in their transition to a more sustainable use of transportation. The Scheme will support investments in recharging infrastructures required for vehicles which are an integral part of a business activity and will also support leasing of clean or zero-emission vehicles.

Applications under the Scheme may be submitted by 30 September 2026.

Eligible costs


The Scheme is open to eligible undertakings, employing at least 5 full time employees, which incur any of the following costs:

a) Construction, installation, upgrade, or extension of recharging or refuelling infrastructure – the costs include costs of the infrastructure itself, related technical equipment, civil engineering works, land or road adaptations and costs for related permits;
b) Investment costs of on-site production of renewable electricity or renewable hydrogen;
c) Investment costs of storage units for storing renewable electricity or hydrogen; 
d) Leasing of commercial vehicles for a period of at least 12 months, being clean vehicles powered at least partially by electricity or hydrogen; or zero-emission vehicles.

Aid intensity


In the case of charging infrastructures, the Scheme provides:

a) a grant covering up to 100% of the interest paid during the first 3 years on a loan supported by the Malta Development Bank or a recognised financial institution to fund eligible costs; and/or
b) a tax credit calculated as a percentage, starting from 20%, of the eligible costs.

In the case of commercial vehicle leasing, the Scheme covers up to 36 months of the lease period commencing from the start of the lease and provides:

a) tax credits covering a percentage of the eligible costs, being the extra costs of leasing the clean vehicle or the zero-emission vehicle when compared to a vehicle of the same category that would have been leased without the aid;
b) an aid intensity for clean vehicles at 20%, 40% and 50% for large, medium-sized and small undertakings respectively; and
c) an aid intensity for zero-emission vehicles at 30%, 50% and 60% for large, medium-sized and small undertakings respectively.

How can we help?


Deloitte Malta is able to assist in answering your queries, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any further guidance you may require.

In addition, Deloitte Malta is able to assist with the preparation of the required applications and any supporting documentation, as well as document submission and any required follow-ups.

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