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Full control over your digital reporting process

Companies are increasingly required to prepare disclosures like annual reports, sustainability reports, tax filings, or credit reports in the new digital (XBRL) format. Deloitte helps organisations to implement new reporting processes and systems to not only comply with these new reporting requirements but also to enable multi-user editing capabilities, workflow, and sign-off control.

XBRL services

Create the reporting structure to collect digital data


Many data collectors, such as regulators or analysts, are challenged by structuring and defining the information elements that enable the collection of high quality information. Deloitte helps to create structured reporting sets by designing XBRL taxonomies to collect data in digital form.



Regulators, standard setters, and investor communities collect information to execute regulatory policies, to develop principles and guidelines, and to make investment decisions. The collection of data requires creation of reporting sets that are readily understandable by the reporters. Yet, many data collectors have difficulty in structuring and defining the elements that enable the provision of consistent and high quality information. 

Deloitte helps organisations to design reporting sets for the exchange of data using the XBRL standard.

Added value

The XBRL taxonomy is a precise reporting set that defines all reportable items and provides supporting information, such as a hyperlink to the regulator site explaining the reporting requirements in more detail. It enables users to identify individual reporting elements and tag this data in reports which can easily be shared digitally. As a result, report users, such as regulators, investors, and analysts can better find and analyse information.

Efficiently collecting digital, high quality data


Collecting and validating data can be very time consuming, leaving little time for the actual analysis to produce information and insight. Implementing XBRL-based systems to receive, validate, and analyze digital data result in higher quality data and more time for analyses.    



Data collectors (e.g. regulators or data aggregators) process large amounts of data as input for their final products. Collecting, processing, and validating this data can be very time consuming, leaving little time for the actual analysis to produce information and insight. 

To transform data collection processes from paper-based to efficient digital systems, Deloitte supports the implementation of XBRL-enabled data collection, validation, and analytics systems.

Added value

XBRL enables automation of your data collection, preparation, and validation with digital reporting solutions. Automation allows the elimination of many inefficient, error-prone manual activities to process submitted data. As a result, significant reductions in data processing time and costs can be obtained, as well as increased consistency and quality of information. Using XBRL means saving time in data processing thereby enabling the allocation of more time for effective data analyses.

Assessing the quality of digital XBRL reports


Regulators, investors, companies, and analysts increasingly use XBRL data for their analyses. This enhances the need for reporters to control the quality of the digital disclosure of financial and non-financial information. Deloitte offers XBRL assurance services to assess and elevate the quality of digital, tagged information.



Many regulators, investors, and other stakeholders turn to digital data as they realise the value of analysing financial and non-financial reports electronically. Digital data provides detailed information that is easy to consume and interpret. Investors base their buy and sell decisions on it. Regulators use it to supervise the markets and select companies for closer inspection. Additionally, incorrect filings may be rejected by regulators, often resulting in fines. This requires reporters to make sure these parties use the right information and interpret their company’s data correctly. 

Deloitte provides assurance on the quality of XBRL reports by effectively combining XBRL expertise and audit experience to review your XBRL reports to verify the content and technical completeness.

Added value

Many reporters have limited experience or skills to verify the process and output of their XBRL reports and the correct application of the XBRL filing requirements, whether they choose to outsource or do the reporting in-house. Assessing the completeness, accuracy and consistency of XBRL-tagged data helps to minimise the risk of communicating incorrect information to stakeholders.

Offering quality to digitalised G4 reports


Publishing sustainability reports in the digital format (XBRL) improves communication efficiency with key stakeholders. Preparing G4 reports in XBRL provides alignment with the G4 Guidelines. Deloitte offers G4 XBRL Conversion and Assessment services to assist clients with their sustainability disclosures.    


Why publish a G4 XBRL report?


The purpose of publishing a sustainability report is to communicate your company’s sustainability achievements to your key stakeholders. It is crucial to provide users with clear and correct information, which requires no interpretation and judgement. A sustainability report in the machine-readable XBRL format improves the communication efficiency with investors and analysts because it provides an easier and faster access to your report.

As many regulators and standard setters are moving from paper-based to digital reporting using the digital XBRL standard, investors and analysts start benefiting from the increasing availability and accessibility of digital data in their analyses.


What is a G4 XBRL report?


A G4 XBRL report is the outcome of a mapping exercise of your company’s sustainability report according to the GRI Taxonomy, which is a detailed digital classification system of the GRI Guidelines. The resulted G4 XBRL report contains detailed responses to the G4 disclosures and carries contextual information including units, specific breakdowns, such as energy source, gender, or employee categories, as required by the G4 Guidelines.


How can Deloitte help you?


Deloitte can help you convert your G4 report into XBRL using the GRI Taxonomy. The converted G4 XBRL report will be provided in a reader-friendly view rendered by the Deloitte developed GRI reporting tool. Missing information as per sub disclosure level as well as disclosures reported in mis-alignment with the GRI Guidelines will be highlighted for your review before the publication.


Why Deloitte?


Deloitte has been involved in GRI’s transition to digital reporting since 2012. The GRI Taxonomy was developed in collaboration between GRI and Deloitte. Deloitte is able to leverage XBRL reporting knowledge with local experts to best serve the clients’ needs. Our highly specialised XBRL skills and well-designed processes and tools result in high quality XBRL reports.


Take the next step


Do you want to demonstrate your leadership and commitment to responsible reporting? Deloitte can help you convert and asses your G4 report. 

Would you like to learn more about how to improve your reporting process and the analytical possibilities of digital data? Deloitte can advise you in planning and implementing XBRL in your reporting process and provides XBRL trainings of various scopes.