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Women’s equity

2023 Global Impact Report

Building better futures

Deloitte strives to make women’s equity the norm across our organization. We have set aspirational goals against which Deloitte Global leadership monitors progress. We have developed interventions spanning the entire career life cycle—from recruitment, promotion, and succession processes, to development, mentoring, sponsorship, and flexible working. 

The Deloitte Global Executive Committee comprises 38% women (up from 23% in FY2022) and the Deloitte Global Board has 17 members, with women making up 35% of the Board (down from 38% in FY2022). Since 2019, Deloitte firms have increased women’s representation in both member firm partnership and other leadership roles. In FY2023, 26% of member firm partners, principals, and managing directors (PPMDs) are women, exceeding the FY2023 goal of 25%. We are working hard to make progress towards our next goal of 30% women PPMDs by 2025. As leaders, we know it is important to set bold goals as a galvanizing force to motivate change across Deloitte. As such, while we may not achieve the entirety of this goal by the target year, we are confident we will achieve it sooner than if we had not set it in the first place. Progress against these aspirational goals and other measurements is monitored and reported to the Deloitte Global Executive Committee and Deloitte Global Board of Directors twice per year. 

Deloitte’s commitment globally to women’s pay equity goes beyond what is typically required by local legislation in the countries where its firms are located. Deloitte firms conduct regular reviews and provide the Deloitte Global Executive Committee with updates, including—if needed—any remedial action.

Deloitte has a longstanding commitment to transparency when it comes to women’s equity. For example, Deloitte UK started voluntarily reporting its women’s pay gap (the total average difference between earnings for men and women) in 2015, two years before it became required by legislation. From 2017, Deloitte UK has also publicly reported an additional “total earnings gap,” which includes equity partners (in addition to legislative requirements). Deloitte US has reiterated its commitment to pay equity in its inaugural Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Transparency Report, which contains a wealth of detail on Deloitte US’s DEI goals. The 2023 DEI Transparency Report provides an update on progress in the US to date. It also extends this work to include other historically underrepresented groups. Going forward, Deloitte is exploring such reporting for other member firms and geographies. 

Deloitte’s focus on working toward women’s equity does not end with our own organization. Many Deloitte firms and Deloitte Global are signatories of the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles. Deloitte believes we should be a force for good and lead the way on the complex challenges facing women and girls in society. Through a number of our WorldClass societal impact projects, Deloitte is working to positively impact the lives of women and girls around the world. Deloitte is committed to helping them access the right skills and opportunities through education initiatives, along with supporting social enterprises, sponsorship and mentorship programs, and more. 

Each year, International Women’s Day (IWD) is a day to celebrate the achievements of women—as well as a day to focus on how much more there is still to do when it comes to women’s equity in the workplace and in society. Deloitte’s 2023 International Women’s Day campaign, entitled #ImAWomanAnd, was a call to action for each of us to commit to stop common stereotypes and play our part in stopping the assumptions that are still too often made about women.

Deloitte conducts global research into critical issues related to women’s equity. The inaugural Deloitte Global Women @ Work: A Global Outlook report was published in 2021. This landmark report shared the findings of a survey of 5,000 working women across 10 countries, in which Deloitte Global heard directly from them about the state of women’s equity in the workplace. The 2022 report looked additionally at the impact of hybrid working on women, the “great resignation,” and women’s experiences of stress, burnout, and poor mental health. In 2023, the responses show improvement, but the underlying data emphasizes how much remains to be done. This important research continues to inform Deloitte, as well as Deloitte clients and other stakeholders, when it comes to the engagement and retention of women in the workforce. Additionally, the 2023 report Policies for Change: Government Levers for Enabling Workplace Gender Equality, produced by the Global Institute for Women's Leadership at King’s College with the support of Deloitte Global, set out what governments can do through policy to help address women’s inequality in the workplace. 

Deloitte is a strategic partner to the Women’s Forum for the Economy and Society, a platform for action to highlight women’s voices and build a more inclusive economy and society. Deloitte is also a member of the 30% Club and a number of Deloitte firms have collaborated with the organization to publish research in chapters around the world, including Australia, Canada, Colombia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Middle East, Southern Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. For more than 20 years, Deloitte has been a supporter of Catalyst, a global nonprofit organization working with some of the world’s most powerful CEOs and more than 800 leading organizations to build workplaces that support women so they can advance and thrive. 

In a year of global challenges with a deeply human impact, Deloitte sought to support and inspire our people and communities, making an impact that matters in society.
