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Women’s equity

Deloitte is focused on increasing the representation of women at all levels across our organization, with the aim of achieving parity.

Working toward women’s equity at Deloitte


We have set aspirational goals against which our global leadership monitors progress and we have developed consistent global standards spanning the entire career lifecycle—from recruitment, promotion and succession processes to development, mentoring, sponsorship and agile/flexible working. Deloitte firm CEOs have committed to deliver on these initiatives and report progress to the Deloitte Global CEO, Deloitte Global Executive and Deloitte Global Board of Directors on a regular basis. 

On a local level, Deloitte Middle East provides an inclusive environment where talented, high performing women can find outstanding careers and assume leadership positions through its GLOW (Growth and Leadership Opportunities for Women) strategy and signature programs, including Returnity.

International Women’s Day 2024

It’s 2024, but millions of women and girls are still not able to realize their full potential. At Deloitte, we know that our focus on women’s equality and empowerment cannot end at our own walls.

Through our WorldClass social impact programs we are committed to building #BetterFutures. That includes helping enable access to quality education and training, economic empowerment, and business and #STEM skills for women and girls, like the ones featured in this film. In 2023 alone, we supported over 1200 programs across more than 90 countries. Learn more about how we are forging a more inclusive world for women and girls.

Marème’s story

Deloitte is proud of the role it plays in breaking down barriers to education—making science, technology, engineering, and math more accessible to girls around the world. See how Deloitte Africa is helping to inspire the next generation of change makers like Marème.

Kajal’s story

Potential can be limitless when women and girls are given the right opportunities. See how Deloitte India is helping to empower young women like Kajal to achieve their dreams through mentorship, education and career guidance.

Nazanin’s story

For refugees, language is one of the greatest barriers to employment. See how Pangea and Deloitte Italy are working together to help Afghan women like Nazanin learn about Italian language and culture and access employment opportunities.

Angel and Wei’s story

Each year, millions of people in rural areas of China travel to cities to pursue economic opportunities, while some of their children remain in their local communities to attend school. See how Deloitte China volunteers are providing guidance to girls like Wei to nurture growth and help them reach their full potential.

Hend’s story

Migrant women often face barriers to employment. But with the right support, tools and resources, a more equitable workforce is possible. See how Deloitte and the Young Women’s Trust are helping empower women, like Hend, to thrive in the workplace and take their seats at the table.

Deloitte’s focus on representation does not end with our own organization. We believe that we have a responsibility to be a force for good and to lead the way on the complex challenges that stand in the way of women’s equity in wider society. As part of our WorldClass societal impact agenda, we are empowering women and girls around the world, as brought to life in Deloitte’s first Global Gender Impact Report, launched on International Women’s Day in 2020. This included stories showing the power and impact of education, sponsorship and mentorship and the ‘butterfly effect’ that takes place as a result—a theme we continued to highlight for International Women’s Day in 2024 and concluded in 2022 when we focused on the simple everyday acts we can all take to Be the Butterfly and make an impact. The 2023 IWD campaign, “I’m a woman and…” was a call to action for each of us to commit playing our part in stopping the assumptions that are still too often made about women.

Deloitte also conducts research into critical gender equality-related issues. Building on a 2020 pulse survey of nearly 400 women across nine countries, in May 2021 Deloitte Global published its inaugural Women @ Work: A Global Outlook report, which surveyed 5,000 working women (outside Deloitte) across 10 countries to gain an insight into the state of gender equality in the workplace; this report provided a significant insight into the impact of the pandemic on the lives of many working women, along with other critical issues that were impacting women’s experiences at work. The second survey report, published in April 2022, identified – amongst other findings – emerging challenges related to the impact of hybrid working on women, high levels of non-inclusive behaviors at work, and significant levels of stress and burnout. The 2023 report, while providing some glimpses of improvement in burnout levels, experiences of hybrid working and incidences of non-inclusive behaviors, also provided a picture of continuing concern across these and other areas, including women’s health. Each report also sets out a data driven insight into the positive impact on women when their employers get it right – along with recommendations for change.