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Welcome to The Garage!

Fueling your innovation strategy

Innovation is essential for thriving in this fast-moving, digital world. It’s a top priority for organizations, yet it is also hard to make innovation successful, and many organizations say they are not good at it.

We bring fresh thinking, new approaches, and innovative technologies to drive growth and innovation. We use new ways of working and technology to rapidly create and test ideas and to transform businesses.

We help clients to define, implement and improve their innovation strategy and capabilities.

About the Garage - Our Innovation journey

Our services cover the entire journey from defining your ambitions, and setting strategy, developing ideas and making them come alive, to building and scaling your capabilities and innovation system to make disruptive innovation part of your DNA.

Our ecosystem/capabilities

A large and diverse ecosystem to meet all your needs.

A strong expertise on Innovation
Deloitte is recognized as a leader in innovation.

A disruptive/creative working environment

We take you out of the ordinary into a consciously designed environment to enable a fresh and innovative approach through our experience labs.

A strong set of partnerships

We are part of a global network of start-ups and partners who will help you to successfully innovate.

A team of technology experts

We have the experience applying new technologies to innovate.

A deep knowledge in every industry

We have deep knowledge and experience in your industry.

A belief in Innovation at every scale


Our way of working

The Garage is different, because how we engage with our clients is different.


Working fast - We work fast and iterate often from post-it to market pilot in as little as 60 days.

Creating actionable outputs - We use prototypes and pilots to bring ideas to life and test them with real customers.

Operating hand in hand - We take collaboration to the next level. We work, eat and drink together.

Collaborating with cross-industry experts - We’ve got you covered with all the skills required for successful strategic innovation.

Let’s test, implement, measure and improve - We embed the generated ideas into your organization and make sure the effects are measured and a cycle of continuous improvement is jumpstarted.