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Digital resilience from a banking regulation standpoint

Banking regulatory trends impact cybersecurity and new technologies

A practical guide to digital banking regulations and their impact on banks’ strategies, operations and risk profiles. Get a crisp overview of the scope, milestones and opportunities of Luxembourg and the EU’s key regulations to watch.

Assess, adapt and grow

Given the ever-evolving regulations around digitalization, it’s no surprise that the top regulatory concern of senior banking executives is digital and operational resilience.

Deloitte’s practical guide sheds light on the banking industry’s digital regulations and trends, allowing banks to assess their business strategy, adapt their organizations, and identify growth opportunities.

This quick reference tool cuts through the regulatory complexity by distilling the key aspects of Luxembourg and the EU’s most significant digital banking regulations and setting out the strategic implications for banks to stay ahead.

Key digital regulations

The guide provides a comprehensive summary of the regulatory trends to watch, expected timelines, and impact on banks’ processes, technology and people. You’ll find outlines of regulatory objectives and scope, key requirements and milestones, and risks and opportunities of the following regulations:

  • CSSF’s Outsourcing Circular
  • Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
  • Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Pilot Regime
  • Market in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) Regulation
  • Transfer of Funds Regulation (the “Travel Rule”)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act
  • Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services Regulation (eIDAS 2.0)
  • Data Governance Act (DGA)

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