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Rethinking the workplace: Hybrid work in the future of work

Authors: François Bade, Marie-Cécile Legrand

Imagine a workplace that would enable smooth collaboration, encourage a connected and cohesive company culture, inspire innovation, and drive high team performance regardless of location. Imagine a workplace that optimally blends physical offices and virtual spaces. Imagine a work- place that attracts sought-after talents. Imagine making hybrid finally work!

Are you ready to rethink your workplace?


The future of work has been drastically impacted by technological advancements and the COVID-19 pandemic, and organizations are still grappling with how to meet the expectations of their workers. Hybrid work, a permanent mix of remote and on-site work, has become the new norm, but managing this shift can feel daunting.


Organizations must now strategically reimagine the workplace along three factors: human, digital, and physical.


While hybrid work has brought benefits such as improved efficiency, it has also raised concerns of employee burnout, dissatisfaction, and gender inequality. To attract, retain, and engage employees, organizations must prioritize physical and mental well-being, diversity, inclusion, and belonging practices.

This report delves into the challenges and opportunities of hybrid work and provides insights on how organizations can navigate this new landscape to create a workplace that fosters collaboration, innovation, and high team performance.


Discover the key strategies for optimizing your workplace in Luxembourg's unique business environment.


Keep an eye on the future of the workplace and the full report now!

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