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Define Digital Strategy

Deloitte Digital case study: Private Bank

Business Issue

  • Once the main wave of regulatory project passed, the bank wanted to address the challenges it faces due to new technologies, new entrants, generational and cultural shifts 
  • It reached out to Deloitte for support in defining its digital strategy including among others: digital ambition, digital value proposition and dedicated roadmap 


The activities carried out include:

  • Highlight market trends, competition positioning and employee expectations through benchmarking against local players and workshops 
  • Define the value proposition by identifying and prioritizing value drivers, customer journeys and digital projects
  • Formalize the functional architecture and identify gaps to reach the target model 
  • Define and detail priority customer journeys and digital projects
  • Define the high-level digital roadmap for the next three years and the immediate action plan

Value delivered

  • Digital benchmark and competitive analysis in the local and European market
  • Complete digital strategy with elements required for the digital transformation aligned with the organization’s ambition and objectives
  • Three-year digital roadmap and concrete list of projects to be carried out

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