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A new way to manage your fund prospectus

The drafting and maintenance of the fund prospectus tends to be cumbersome and time consuming. With various internal and external actors involved, ensuring a clear process is key. Deloitte’s new prospectus management service allows for a workflow driven and automated approach, reducing administration time by up to 30% and providing transparent audit trails along the way.DOC360 is a centralized document management service, accessible from anywhere via web browser. Its use in the context of the prospectus drafting and management can be summarized with 4 key points:


Increased efficiency – Through the workflow driven approach, stakeholders will be alerted when their input is required to draft, review or validate specific parts. Furthermore, wordings can be reused throughout the prospectus and even for prospectuses of other funds. The separation of the prospectus into content and format allows for efficient updates without the time-consuming reformatting.


Reduced risk – The in-built alerts make sure that all tasks are performed on time based on your project timeline. Any changes are flagged, thus the risk of accidental amendments is significantly reduced. The administration of read/write rights makes sure only authorized parties can change/review/validate.


Increased compliance – The use of linked information within the prospectus ensures that regulatory changes are performed consistently throughout the document. Furthermore, alerts can be implemented to ensure changes are made when required by the regulator. The track changes functionality provides transparency, also for regulators.


Reduced time to market – A defined workflow and project timeline ensures an organized process from start to finish. Through the triggering of potential other projects such as fund distribution or changes to KI(I)Ds with specific updates, valuable time is saved. The audit trail gives transparency around when which steps were performed, thus allowing for the elimination of bottlenecks. Through the separation of content and format, no time-consuming reformatting is required.

In a nutshell

"A centralized document management service"

One authoritative document

Allows parties to work simultaneously on a single document avoiding multiple conflicting versions

Chef d’Orchestre

Optimizes workflows, updates and onboarding processes to save time. Maintains version control of prospectuses

Optimized workflow

Tasks are defined to ensure accountability and optimize workflow. The workflow ensures automation and that all tasks are completed before the next stage of the process, four eyes principle enabled

Clear allocation of roles and access rights

Individual/group roles are defined to establish responsibility and trust. Users are given editing/approval/rejection rights and alerted when their input is needed

Reusable content

Reuse specific content to maintain consistency and save time

Track changes & comparison tool

Track all changes. Exhaustive comparison between any version of prospectuses. Ensures a full audit trail

"Allows various groups of users to work simultaneously to ultimately deliver high quality and consistent prospectuses as efficiently as possible"

Document library storage

Store and archive prospectuses in one library

Multi-format compatibility

Ability to import/export files such as DOC, PDF and XML

Style sheet and branding

Advanced style sheet creation to facilitate high resolution prospectuses and maintain a consistent brand image


Multiple translation functionality. Save costs and translate changed content only

Dynamic data flow

Extract data and feed from/into other documents

RegWatch and hotline

Up-to-date regulatory watch system that sends alerts if changes affect your prospectuses. Dedicated regulatory hotline to handle specific issues

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