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Mental health

Enabling all our people to thrive

We recognise the importance of mental wellbeing in the workplace and the need for our people to know where and how to seek support when they are facing challenges. We also know how important it is to have a work environment that is free of stigma. 

Erika’s story

"Depression is a treatable disease and the first step on the road to recovery is letting someone know you’re not okay."

Cree’s story

"Why does being able to talk about mental health at work matter? It’s because we’re not robots. It’s become a cultural norm that, when you’re at work, you change into a ‘colleague’ or ‘coworker’ but when you try and fragment yourself, you’re not coming to work as your whole self."

Gerald's story

"I’ve noticed that being open about my experience has helped encourage others to open up about their own struggles and seek help when needed."

Brandon's story

"When you think about how much time we spend with colleagues compared to even our partners and family, the question isn’t so much ‘how can you be open?’ but rather ‘how can you not?’"

Erika's story

Erika from Deloitte North-South Europe opens up about living with depression as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health.

Marçal's story

Marçal from Deloitte Spain talks about how his bipolar disorder diagnosis gave him hope and optimism as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health

Rebecca’s story

Deloitte China partner, Rebecca Lai, shares her story of caring for a loved one managing mental ill health as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health.

Gerald’s story

Deloitte Indonesia Assistant Manager, Gerald, explains how asking for help inspired him to be more open about mental wellbeing as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health

Helen’s story

Deloitte New Zealand senior, Helen, shares her story of receiving a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as an adult as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health

Brandon's story

Brandon from Deloitte Africa opens up about managing his chronic depression as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health.

Maria de Jesus’s story

Maria de Jesus, a senior consultant at Deloitte Mexico, shares what she learned from a difficult personal journey as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health.

Neil's story

Deloitte UK senior manager, Neil, talks about the power of asking for help as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health.

Rogelio’s story

Deloitte Argentina partner, Rogelio, tells his story of being unexpectedly hit hard by mental illness and his recovery as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health.

Cree’s story

Deloitte US senior manager, Cree, shares her passion for wellbeing, and her own experience as part of our series aiming to reduce societal stigma around mental health

Mental Health at Deloitte

To advance mental health awareness and support Deloitte professionals globally, our organisation introduced a mental health baseline in January 2021 that set clear expectations in every country in which we operate. This set of requirements covers areas such as leadership education, reducing stigma, providing learning and support, and identifying causes of mental ill health and corresponding actions to address them. Each Deloitte firm has committed to meeting these minimum requirements and is being supported by Deloitte Global on the journey to compliance.

Deloitte is also providing resources to support our professionals and help them take care of each other—from dedicated podcasts featuring Deloitte professionals and other well-being leaders, to learning resources spanning articles, videos, e-learnings and other education sources. Looking beyond our organisation, we believe that all businesses should prioritise the mental health of their employees and work to remove the stigma that still too often exists within our societies. This is why we are proud to be a Founding Partner of the Global Business Collaboration for Better Workplace Mental Health (GBC) which was established in January 2021 to advocate for, and accelerate, positive change toward mental health in the workplace on a global basis.

Deloitte is also focussed on conducting research and publishing thought leadership on the importance of mental health at work. Since 2020, the Deloitte Global Gen Z and Millennial Survey has provided vital insights into the mental health of millennials and Generation Z with the critical findings published in our white papers. Additionally, Women @ Work: A Global Outlook provides a unique glimpse into the mental health of women in the workplace.

Learn more about diversity, equity and inclusion at Deloitte